Another Obama history FAIL – IOTW Report

Another Obama history FAIL


Just before the 2015 Super Bowl, President Obama told some TV chickie that he is making beer in the White House and is the first president to do so since George Washington… except that Washington was dead before anyone ever lived in the White House. Obama doesn’t know a damn thing about U.S. history.

27 Comments on Another Obama history FAIL

  1. Um, correct me if I am wrong, but with even a passing familiarity with history minutia, didn’t Washington make bourbon from Mt. Vernon? Which the recipe was just discovered and ‘they’ are aging it right now?

    Some ‘prof’ Obullshit is…

  2. History doesn’t matter when you know your audience. 1/2 of the people who saw him on the Tee-Vee probably can not name any other presidents besides Washington and Obama. There is a big gap in between the two, Obama is simply smart enough to say Washington so his audience would know he was talking about some other president. The other 1/2 of his audience probably blame his drinking on Bush.

  3. He just can not help himself from flapping his soup coolers-if his mouth is open and words are coming out, he’s lying.

    I wonder how in the hell the same guys that were in my high school and are a breed known throughout every high school everywhere, didn’t kick this punk’s ass from here to next week EVERY DAY when he started in with his latest bullshit. A couple or three ass whoppings might have changed the course we’re on now.

    He’s such a fucking punk, it’s sickening. The perfect REgressive.

  4. Well, who could blame him? After all that time getting his news from watching ESPN he probably saw that commercial where President Lincoln jumps in the van with President Washington & President Ben Franklin & just got his dates a little mixed up.

    Waddaya mean Ben Franklin ain’t a President? He’s on the $100 Benjamins, ain’t he? ….Duuuu uuuuuh!!!

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