Artist says he included Lewinsky’s dress in Bill Clinton portrait – IOTW Report

Artist says he included Lewinsky’s dress in Bill Clinton portrait

clinton portrait shanks  …And so the Clintons hate the portrait. They want it removed from the National Portrait Gallery. They’re putting a lot of pressure on them. [Reached by phone Thursday, a spokeswoman from the National Portrait Gallery denied that.]


27 Comments on Artist says he included Lewinsky’s dress in Bill Clinton portrait

  1. I know figure painting is hard, hell when I have a figure in one of my windows, I always let my flesh painter have final sway on the anatomy/stance.

    But I gotta say, this painting doesn’t strike me as anything special, in fact it looks a bit askance.

  2. The dress is a shadow on the fireplace to Clinton’s left. The artist used a mannequin when Clinton wasn’t there to capture the dress look. No one would have noticed it if the artist hadn’t of mentioned it. BTW, he’s pointing at his zipper, another artist innuendo.

  3. His head is out of proportion…too small.
    Or is that another one of the artist’s innuendos?

    I LOVE that this has hung in the National Gallery for years!

  4. Look at the huge jacket! Yeah, not a great painting… But as long as they’ll take anyone’s work, I’ll send in some of my own I did of Michelle. They’ll love the one I did of her on a lazyboy with her junk slipping out of her boxers and a cat sitting below them ready to strike. *Meow*

  5. If he’d really wanted to piss Hillary off, he could have painted Bill wearing the famous Ermenegildo Zegna silk tie that Monica gave him as a 50th birthday present in 1996, and which he was thought to have worn to send her a “message” when his remarks were televised from the Rose Garden on the day of her grand jury testimony.

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