Articles by MJA
Tucker Carlson Disgusted by Josh Shapiro and Volodymyr Zelensky Signing Artillery Shells
Tucker Carlson Disgusted by Josh Shapiro and Volodymyr Zelensky Signing Artillery Shells
The EV Graveyard
I&ILast week, the House approved a resolution to block the Biden administration’s emissions rule that would require more than half of the automobiles sold in the new-car market to be [Read More]
“The History of the Intelligence State”
Mike Benz lecture at Hillsdale College (Sept 2024)
America Tried Third-World Immigration In The 1980s And The Results Were Horrifying
Alt-Market- The American Founding Fathers built our nation on a core premise that has been long forgotten and this memory lapse is causing endless grief for current generations. What premise? [Read More]
70 Jabs in Recommended Child Vaxx Schedule Has NOT Produced Healthier Kids
Diddy’s Ex-Bodyguard Claims Disgraced Rapper Has Secret Tapes of Top Politicians at His ‘Freak Off’ Parties
Combs’ employees booked hotel rooms, arranged for transportation for victims, male prostitutes and Combs, and stocked Freak Off products in the hotel rooms like drugs, baby oil, lube, extra linens [Read More]
U.S. Capitol Hit by Large-Scale Cyber Attack, Passwords Leaked Through Staffers Signing Up for “Adult Websites” and “Dating Apps”
What were the passwords? G P Over 3,000 congressional staffers’ personal information has been leaked across the dark web in a wide-scale cyberattack on the Capitol. Switzerland based security firm [Read More]
Former New York Judge Kills Himself As FBI Arrive to Arrest Him
GP A former prosecutor and judge in Orange County, New York, allegedly killed himself Tuesday afternoon as FBI agents arrived at his home to arrest him in connection to a [Read More]
This man went to the same school as Trump years ago
When his dad died young, Trump’s father privately went to their mother and paid the full tuition for him and his 2 siblings. h/t illustr8r
Russia pushes sex-at-work scheme as population crisis escalates
h/t Col. Angus FOX– The Kremlin’s top doctor this week encouraged all Russians to engage in a “sex-at-work” scheme in a move to back President Vladimir Putin’s attempts to counter a growing [Read More]
Son of Ryan Wesley Routh ( accused in Trump assassination attempt ) arrested on illegal pornography charges
WPTV The son of the man accused of trying to assassinate former President Donald Trump has been arrested for child pornography. A criminal complaint by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for [Read More]
Funny or Not Funny?
h/t Brad
Oops. Wrong House.
One more time. Because it amuses me. h/t Doc. PS: Jeremy Kauffman