Articles by MJA
Yahoo disables automatic email forwarding feature
Reuters: Yahoo Inc disabled automatic email forwarding at the beginning of the month, the Associated Press reported, citing several users. While those who have set up forwarding in the past [Read More]
Ed Klein: Trump-Bashers Are ‘Same Guys Who Turn on Porn When Traveling’ and ‘Sleep with Their Secretaries on Capitol Hill’
Breitbart: Ed Klein, author of the new book Guilty as Sin: Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation, joined SiriusXM host [Read More]
Clintons nearly drove top staffer to suicide, email claims
NYP- Chelsea Clinton was “more concerned” about an article in The Post “about her father and a multitude of women over the years” than about the health of two senior [Read More]
Billy Bush bragged about vulgar Trump video to NBC staffers
NYP: Billy Bush brazenly bragged to NBC staff about the vulgar Donald Trump tape while covering the Olympics in Rio, multiple sources tell Page Six. Proving the infamous Ryan Lochte [Read More]
VIDEO: French Police Officers Attacked, Set Afire by Muslim Mob
PamelaGeller: They’ve gone from burning cars to burning cops. Hillary has vowed to increase these migrants coming into this country by 550%. She must be defeated. Trump is our only [Read More]
The Goldwater Effect. Regated: Everyone hated Goldwater. You remember Barry Goldwater, right? Goldwater was crass. Goldwater made rude statements. Goldwater had a trigger finger with nuclear weapons. The quintessential ‘Moderate Republican’ [Read More]
Regated: Hillary Clinton isn’t so fond of the gay community.. WikiLeaks released thousands of emails which show Hillary Clinton’s true views about Americans. In an email titled “Re: one chain [Read More]
Wikileaks: Clinton weighed reinstating Glass-Steagall
Reuters: A longtime political adviser to Hillary Clinton last year urged her presidential campaign to support a new version of a law that separated commercial and investment banking to avoid [Read More]
10,000 Supporters at Pennsylvania Trump Rally Chant ‘CNN Sucks’
Breitbart: Nearly 10,000 voters chanted “CNN sucks” during a campaign rally for Donald Trump in Pennsylvania Monday night. “I’m telling you, they are so dishonest. Without the media, Hillary Clinton [Read More]
Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Protesting the national anthem is ‘dumb and disrespectful’
Chicago Tribune: As a legal scholar, Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg supports the decision by San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and other athletes to protest racial injustice by [Read More]
RNC Standing by Trump
Breitbart: The Republican National Committee (RNC) is standing by GOP nominee Donald Trump, according to CNN. “Nothing has changed in regard with our relationship,” RNC Chairman Reince Priebus reportedly stated [Read More]
Famous Russian Group endorses Trump
ThePeople’sCube: In an effort to strengthen Mr. Trump’s lagging poll numbers among women, the Trump campaign has secured a most desired endorsement this weekend from Bond bad-girl, Pussy Galore. “We [Read More]
OBAMA Releases More Violent Felons
“Do you see the story? Do you see anything? It seems to me I am trying to tell you a dream…that commingling of absurdity, surprise, and bewilderment in a tremor [Read More]
BUSTED: Hillary Clinton Fowarded An Email Calling Muslims “Sand Ni**ers” In Latest Wikileaks Dump
Shoebat: The physically and spiritually ill Hillary Clinton, who prides herself on her love of Muslims and Islam and being against “racism” while accusing Donald Trump (and most other people [Read More]