MJA – Page 3733 – IOTW Report

The Pooper App

Saturday, 30 July 2016, 23:00 MJA 10

OC: If you’re too busy or squeamish to pick up after your dog, you’re going to love this new smartphone app that connects you to someone willing to do it [Read More]

A Pro-Life Black Pastor on the NAACP and Planned Parenthood

Saturday, 30 July 2016, 21:00 MJA 2

BCN: Pastor Clenard Childress of BlackGenocide.org and the Life Education And Resource Network (L.E.A.R.N.) recently protested outside the NAACP’s annual convention venue along with other pro-lifers in Cincinnati, Ohio, to expose the organization’s indifference toward the [Read More]

A Mass Killer Is Honored

Saturday, 30 July 2016, 20:00 MJA 3

Sudan President Bashir under ICC indictment for genocide, yet gets honored. And what does Bashir think of slaughtering hundreds of thousands?  This picture tells you… And who is his best [Read More]

They’re heeeere!

Saturday, 30 July 2016, 7:00 MJA 9

Mosquito-Borne Zika Cases Confirmed in Florida. /Breitbart/ The Zika virus has conclusively arrived on American shores, as Florida officials announced the first confirmed cases of mosquito-transmitted infections on Friday. Until now, [Read More]

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