Finger-wagging celebrities
PatriotRetort: There is nothing more off-putting than to be lectured at by a bunch of finger-wagging celebrities who do not have the collective brain wattage to power an Easy Bake [Read More]
PatriotRetort: There is nothing more off-putting than to be lectured at by a bunch of finger-wagging celebrities who do not have the collective brain wattage to power an Easy Bake [Read More]
WaExaminer/ One of the emails released in the Democratic National Committee leak shows communications staff directing video producers not to mention the Common Core educational standards in a video depicting [Read More]
NYPost: Some glass ceilings should never be cracked. Hillary Clinton’s massive head beamed onto a video screen in the main hall of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia Tuesday night, [Read More]
“Everybody from Mexico, only me from Honduras.”
Regated> JULY 29: A new election poll released this morning (conducted on July 28) by the USC Dornsife / LA Times Presidential Election Poll shows that Donald Trump has 46.7% of [Read More]
WashingtonExaminer: Hillary Clinton’s dull, lifeless speech on Thursday night marked a historic moment. Democrats did something unprecedented this week. Despite what you’ve heard, it’s not that they nominated a woman. [Read More]
Regated: A popular video by Dick Morris, an American political author who once served as a political advisor to the White House during the Clinton administration, is making the rounds [Read More]
ShariaUnveiled: After this summer’s terrorist attacks in Europe, Danish politician Søren Espersen has proposed all immigration from Muslim countries should be completely stopped in Denmark. The American presidential candidate Donald [Read More]
BBC: A copy of Michelangelo’s David recently put on show in central St Petersburg may be dressed up because a resident objected to its nakedness. Organisers of a sculpture exhibition [Read More]
LN: The Democratic Party is still far from unified after a long and drawn-out primary season. Plenty of Bernie Sanders supporters are not about to jump on the Hillary Clinton [Read More]
WaEx: A federal appeals court in Philadelphia has let the federal corruption case against Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., stand. According to Politico, Menendez attempted to claim that his constitutional protections [Read More]
“I was shocked to say the least that he would have the audacity to call me after what he did to me,” Broaddrick said. -Breitbart: PHILADELPHIA – The U.S. news [Read More]
NYP: Donald Trump said he thought about going after Mike Bloomberg — “a very little guy” — so hard “his head would spin” to get even for his speech at [Read More]
Breitbart: Jihad Ahmad Diyab, a former Guantánamo Bay detainee who was released to Uruguay as part of a deal between the White House and the socialist government of former President [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.