School’s Out For Streaking Teacher
EAG News: WORCESTER, Mass. – A gym teacher at Rice Square Elementary School was hauled by police to the hospital after students allege he stripped off all his clothes and [Read More]
EAG News: WORCESTER, Mass. – A gym teacher at Rice Square Elementary School was hauled by police to the hospital after students allege he stripped off all his clothes and [Read More]
FamilySecurityMatters: [Star Parker] The Department of Education was created under President Carter in 1979 under the same misguided pretense that has driven much of the growth of our massively bloated federal [Read More]
FOX: The Senate voted decisively on Tuesday in favor of a bipartisan $1.1 billion measure to combat the Zika virus this year and next, cutting back President Barack Obama’s request [Read More]
Ah, what red-blooded ISIS man could resist a handsome woman with such a lovely mustache? I say, Let Her Go! IndependentUK: Zafreen Khadam was found to be spreading terrorist propaganda [Read More]
UPI: For all you philosophy majors out there looking for gainful employment, Google may be just the thing for you. Google is on the lookout for people in Mountain View, [Read More]
NBC10: On the day that thousands of Democratic delegates from every state and territory of America get off planes and check into their hotels in Philadelphia this summer, thousands more [Read More]
FOX: The chairman of the top House investigative panel introduced a measure Wednesday to censure IRS Commissioner John Koskinen — and remove him from office without a pension — in [Read More]
WashingtonTimes: Building a border wall has become the signature of Donald Trump’s campaign, but some top GOP officials say it’s doubtful his pledge will make it into the party’s platform [Read More]
“My name is Joe Biden, and I love ice cream,” Biden said after he was introduced. “You all think I’m kidding — I’m not. I eat more ice cream than [Read More]
Target Already Had a Solution for Transgender Persons— Our opposition to Target’s policy is not about transgender persons. Its comes from the fact that Target’s policy opens the door for sexual [Read More]
Democrat Barbara Boxer, the other U.S. senator from California, was at the Nevada convention and expressed her concern to Sanders in a phone call on Tuesday night. “I feared for [Read More]
American Thinker: The laid back and trendy college town of Iowa City was plunged into turmoil a little over two weeks ago, after a black University of Iowa freshman claimed [Read More]
PatriotRetort: I mentioned on Sunday that if you really want to get disgusted, reading Hillary’s Twitter feed will do it. This morning, I wandered over there against my better judgement [Read More]
LifeNews: Archaeologists made an amazing discovery recently when they found the mummy of a tiny, 16- to 18-week gestation baby taken from a tomb in Egypt. The finding is a [Read More]
We’ve featured this guy in the past. He does a “way too accurate” depiction of the annoying left. It’s either highly entertaining or it’ll make you punch out your monitor. [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.