MJA – Page 3846 – IOTW Report

Drink or Fail

Friday, 29 April 2016, 9:30 MJA 12

Chinese Students Forced to Down Hard Liquor to Pass Exam

Obama Uber Alles

Friday, 29 April 2016, 8:45 MJA 13

AmericanThinker: Apparently, President Obama believes it is time to move beyond the constitutional constraint called separation of powers, an idea he considers outdated, obsolete and certainly not progressive. A pillar [Read More]

John McCain fundraiser arrested in meth-lab bust

Thursday, 28 April 2016, 9:30 MJA 9

Republican fundraiser Emily Pitha, former @SenJonKyl staffer, arrested in Phoenix drug bust. https://t.co/xblnhtmG08 pic.twitter.com/rRmrKPRBO8 — Dan Nowicki (@dannowicki) April 27, 2016 FAM: Speaking of crusty old politicians, remember John McCain? [Read More]

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