Pretty prime minister offers lip service
Whatever: After the murder of John Ridsdel by Islamists in the Philippines (the guys who say they are doing all of this for Allah), PM Trulander claims he is “outraged” [Read More]
Whatever: After the murder of John Ridsdel by Islamists in the Philippines (the guys who say they are doing all of this for Allah), PM Trulander claims he is “outraged” [Read More]
American Thinker: […] While Speer Jr. has publicly stated he has purposefully tried to place as much distance between himself and his father as possible, this is not exactly true. [Read More]
DMF: Looks like the Tennessee Legislature has suddenly grown a pair, and has struck a blow against PC on behalf of the citizens of the state.
CARACAS (Reuters) – Venezuela’s soaring prices and chronic shortages have left 65-year-old homemaker Alida Gonzalez struggling to put meals on the table. She and her four family members in the [Read More]
From FOX5: The most common sign of anxiety in a dog is when they turn their head away or sometimes closing their eyes fully or partially, according to Professor Coren.
HARVARD, Mass. (AP) — A rotary club in a small Massachusetts town of 6,000 residents is gearing up for its annual rubber ducky race where the winner’s prize is a [Read More]
WyBlog: One of the few good things to come out of Chris Christie’s quixotic quest for the presidency was his embrace of the Second Amendment. Earlier this month he issued [Read More]
BlazingCatFur: Mexican drug traffickers help Islamic terrorists stationed in Mexico cross into the United States to explore targets for future attacks, according to information forwarded to Judicial Watch by a high-ranking [Read More]
DavidThompson: In the pages of the Guardian, masculinity is once again being piously disdained. This time by Mr Grayson Perry, a part-time transvestite and maker of unattractive pottery:
NewsBusters: Fans of the Second Amendment will have to deal with one less anti-gun host on MSNBC: Alex Wagner.
AT: Bernie Sanders loves to denounce the tax dodges of the wealthy (even as he pays13.4% income tax on a $200K+ income), so it would be interesting to hear what [Read More]
CPR: Before raising our glasses to toast this winter’s abundant El Niño rainfall, here’s a sobering thought: Because of deliberate efforts to protect fish by limiting water storage, about half [Read More]
Bernie’s not offering enough goodies for the illegal and dead voters. Not even for the dead illegal voters. AT: Wait a minute! I thought vote fraud was virtually nonexistent. That’s what Democrats have [Read More]
JihadWatch: The Alkhattab Foundation better hope no one actually reads it. If people do, here is some of what they will find:
10NBC: Longtime Pennsylvania House Rep. Dwight Evans has defeated incumbent U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah in the Democratic primary for the 2nd Congressional District seat. ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.