MJA – Page 3847 – IOTW Report

Venezuela: Fewer meals, more starch

Wednesday, 27 April 2016, 18:45 MJA 10

CARACAS (Reuters) – Venezuela’s soaring prices and chronic shortages have left 65-year-old homemaker Alida Gonzalez struggling to put meals on the table. She and her four family members in the [Read More]

Study: Dogs don’t like hugs

Wednesday, 27 April 2016, 18:00 MJA 22

From FOX5: The most common sign of anxiety in a dog is when they turn their head away or sometimes closing their eyes fully or partially, according to Professor Coren.

He’s Being Rugged, And We Can’t Have That

Wednesday, 27 April 2016, 12:30 MJA 14

DavidThompson: In the pages of the Guardian, masculinity is once again being piously disdained. This time by Mr Grayson Perry, a part-time transvestite and maker of unattractive pottery:

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