I would pay for this child’s bail
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MRCtv: Remember when First Lady Michelle Obama declared that steak and arugula were her favorite foods – and her vow to swear off French fries? Well, now, the nation’s top advocate [Read More]
WashingtonTimes: The U.S. Army on Thursday pledged to honor “Earth Day” by “reasserting its pledge to address the implications of climate change and assess associated risks to national security.”
Duuuuuuude… NBC: Rhode Island State Police said a trooper found 317 pounds of marijuana in a Philadelphia man’s minivan during a traffic stop.
Spectator UK: If Britain were to leave the European Union, would it survive? Britain is one of the least enthusiastic members of the EU, but other more globally-minded countries are tiring of [Read More]
StridentConservative: America’s seniors are perhaps some of the most vulnerable to suffer under Obama’s nanny state socialist policies. From denying them healthcare to denying them their constitutional rights, nothing is [Read More]
Defund.com: It’s a pity the millennials who support Bernie Sanders have never had to stand in a bread line. They’ve never had to watch everything their parents have worked so [Read More]
FirearmBlog: Revolvers seem to be either loved or hated. There isn’t much middle ground these days, with most people firmly planting themselves on one side of the fence
PatriotRetort: Katie Couric had Hillary’s campaign manager Robby Mook on her Yahoo News program and she asked him about Hillary’s trust problem.
PARIS (Reuters) – A French baker who promised to give his business to the homeless man that saved his life has fired him instead. Michel Flamant was close to dying [Read More]
AmericanThinker: […] Sanders has chosen to surround himself with likeminded advisors for a reason; the need to embrace and be seen as the embodiment of political correctness. Sanders reticence to criticize [Read More]
AT: Global warming lengthens the growing season and increases net rainfall worldwide. The enrichment of the atmospheric carbon dioxide accelerates the rate of plant growth. These are all very positive [Read More]
FOX: Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke appeared on “Fox and Friends” this morning to react to Hillary Clinton “pandering” on a black radio show
AT: […] Dr. Carson is a very good man with a very bad idea. We are a republic, or we are nothing.
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