MJA – Page 3886 – IOTW Report

ICE Whistleblower May Depose Harry Reid

Sunday, 20 March 2016, 13:00 MJA 7

DailyCaller: Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid could be deposed for ICE whistleblower Taylor Johnson’s new lawsuit because complaints from his office precipitated her ouster.

The chaos scenario for Democrats

Sunday, 20 March 2016, 12:00 MJA 14

The Hill: It’s the scenario that Republicans dream of and Democrats believe is all but impossible: Hillary Clinton being forced to drop out of the presidential race due to criminal [Read More]

EU/Turkey: Not a very clever deal

Saturday, 19 March 2016, 22:30 MJA 2

AgendaEurope: So it seems that the EU and Turkey have agreed that Turkey will take back persons that, coming from Turkey, have illegally entered the EU via the Aegean …

You’re not our daddy

Saturday, 19 March 2016, 21:00 MJA 15

Eat it, or be beaten with it! Originally, I started to comment about a story I saw on EAG News:

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