h/t Jim Willey
h/t Jim Willey
h/t JM
DailyCaller: Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid could be deposed for ICE whistleblower Taylor Johnson’s new lawsuit because complaints from his office precipitated her ouster.
The Hill: It’s the scenario that Republicans dream of and Democrats believe is all but impossible: Hillary Clinton being forced to drop out of the presidential race due to criminal [Read More]
PJM: Our 227-year experiment in self-government appears to be winding down. It may simply be too good a proposition to be true. It appears to be the case that eventually [Read More]
WashingtonTimes: Iran’s Revolutionary Guard is planning to build a statue of the U.S. sailors who were captured in Iranian waters earlier this year and display it as a “tourist attraction,” a [Read More]
TUK: A leading Cuban dissident invited to meet President Barack Obama on his historic visit to the island this week has told The Sunday Telegraph that the US president should [Read More]
AgendaEurope: So it seems that the EU and Turkey have agreed that Turkey will take back persons that, coming from Turkey, have illegally entered the EU via the Aegean …
Eat it, or be beaten with it! Originally, I started to comment about a story I saw on EAG News:
IPT: The most wanted terrorist in Europe, considered the mastermind in November’s multi-targeted attack in Paris that left 130 people dead, was arrested Friday by Belgian authorities. But residents in [Read More]
Gatestone: German Chancellor Angela Merkel has vowed to continue her open-door migration policy — despite heavy losses in regional elections that were widely regarded as a referendum on that very [Read More]
ChicagoSunTimes: Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., on Friday said his GOP colleagues should “man up and cast a vote” on Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland, further breaking from his GOP Senate [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.