MJA – Page 3889 – IOTW Report

Stop Peeing on My Building!

Thursday, 17 March 2016, 13:15 MJA 18

NBC Philadelphia: Police and the Mayor of a Delaware town plan on helping a business owner who says she’s fed up with numerous people peeing on her building.

Oh You and Your Damn Privilege!

Thursday, 17 March 2016, 11:45 MJA 5

DMF: We all remember our college years, and that one very bright but slightly eccentric member of the class that could be very entertaining, but also annoying by spouting obscure [Read More]

Prison phone scam

Wednesday, 16 March 2016, 21:30 MJA 9

 FOX5: CAMILLA, Ga. – One of the most successful phone scams these days operated out of a small, south Georgia town where the crooks get their food and shelter for [Read More]

CBO: Charge drivers by the mile

Wednesday, 16 March 2016, 20:45 MJA 26

AmericanThinker: […] On the surface – and for all you shallow thinkers out there who are besotted with the idea of “fairness” – the proposal makes sense.  Those who use [Read More]

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