CBO: Charge drivers by the mile
AmericanThinker: […] On the surface – and for all you shallow thinkers out there who are besotted with the idea of “fairness” – the proposal makes sense. Those who use [Read More]
AmericanThinker: […] On the surface – and for all you shallow thinkers out there who are besotted with the idea of “fairness” – the proposal makes sense. Those who use [Read More]
AmericanThinker: Last week, I discovered Frank Schnell when he wrote a comment on formaldehyde and said it was not a cancer-causing agent and that the EPA had lied about it. [Read More]
Canadian Muslim Stabs Two at Military Centre, “ALLAH told him to”: Police Chief Frets About ISLAMOFAUXBIA. Pamela Geller: “I want to be very, very careful, when it comes to the [Read More]
Arizona – -(Ammoland.com)- A bizarre lawsuit, filed by the reliably leftist Rev. Michael Pfleger, was dismissed by Cook County judge Franklin Valderrama on February 25th. Other leftist activists had joined [Read More]
PamelaGeller: When you read the enemedia narrative of this news story, bear in mind that the subject of the pity-party article, Muslim refugee Abdullahi Mohamed, was beating a homeless man. [Read More]
(LANGUAGE WARNING:) Gavin McInnes’ leftwing brother Miles puts together his favourite quotes by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,
AmericanThinker: Even “the smartest woman in the world” doesn’t understand the (Un-)Affordable Care Act. During Sunday’s Democrat town hall, CNN somehow allowed an audience member to bring up her skyrocketing [Read More]
AmericanThinker: Have you heard of the shocking and terrifying diaper gap that is now dividing this nation? It is said to be so dire that the White House is urging [Read More]
DougRoss: Eight present and past Department of State officials linked to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s private email scandal will be deposed by Judicial Watch in the non-profit government watchdog’s [Read More]
Washington Examiner: The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee will introduce a bill on Tuesday to speed up how the Pentagon buys its weapons, including giving services more power [Read More]
Indeed. IWF.org: Best Idea Ever! The Gentleman’s Club in a South Carolina Public School – Quote of the Day: “I was thinking maybe if I have the boys dress for [Read More]
WyBlog: First it was Barack Obama who said his regulations on coal companies would make electricity rates “necessarily skyrocket.” Now Hillary Clinton is doing him one better. She’s promising to [Read More]
Dissident: It’s not uncommon to see Che Guevara t-shirts worn proudly across the world. His portrait is one of the most iconic in history and the most reproduced image in [Read More]
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