Obama Campaign Manager Mocks Latinos
SooperMexican: Today leftist halfwit and pasty white gringo Dana Milbank wrote a column decrying the GOP’s lack of pandering to the Latino community. Of course, the Obama administration has such [Read More]
SooperMexican: Today leftist halfwit and pasty white gringo Dana Milbank wrote a column decrying the GOP’s lack of pandering to the Latino community. Of course, the Obama administration has such [Read More]
Breitbart: In a series of new regulations, New York City human rights officials have threatened sanctions to landlords, employers, and businesses who prevent cross-dressing men from using the ladies’ room, [Read More]
Breitbart: The mainstream media are reporting that a Bay Area plumber who allegedly planned to bomb a California mosque was a Donald Trump supporter–though he explicitly supported Hillary Clinton. “Hillary Would [Read More]
AllenBWest: The evidence keeps piling up that Turkey is an ally of ISIS. It’s known that a major revenue source for ISIS is oil – hence Donald Trump wanting to [Read More]
Cheese triggers the same part of the brain as hard drugs, say scientists. h/t Connie
AT: We need a revolution if we are to survive as a people and as a nation. While the changes in federal policy needed to undo the damage of leftism [Read More]
Barbwire: About this time of year, millions of Blacks will celebrate Kwanzaa and will give the Pledge to the Kwanzaa Flag: “We pledge allegiance to the red, black, and green, [Read More]
WJLA: WASHINGTON (Sinclair Broadcast Group) — The Secret Service confirms items were stolen from an agent’s car Monday afternoon in downtown Washington. CNN was first to report the break in, [Read More]
WND: Just days after a judge in Denver ordered all charges against two men accused of jury tampering for handing out informational booklets dismissed, a defense attorney for a Michigan [Read More]
WND: President Obama’s reckless neglect of America’s national security is a rapidly growing malignancy on this nation, and there are no signs it will get better. Some might attribute his [Read More]
WND- Enough is enough, say members of Congress who have written to Secretary of State John Kerry telling him to close down the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s office in Washington. The [Read More]
IndependentSentinel: If you owe the IRS more than $50,000, your passport might be worthless. Congress is about to pass a law that will deny or revoke passports for all those [Read More]
AmericanThinker: On Sunday, a German newspaper reported that ISIS may have stolen tens of thousands of blank passports. The AFP reports: The Islamic State group may have stolen “tens of [Read More]
WND: It’s Christmas, boys and girls, and you’ve just been given the gift of a monumental shafting courtesy of your Republicans leaders, chief of whom is Paul Ryan. How does [Read More]
Ryan Blames Criticism of the Omnibus By Mark Levin and Others on ‘Misinformation…Carried Around the Internet’.
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