Crock Boy
American Thinker: Take the money and run. With the huge windfall enjoyed by the Mohamed family — of clock-bomb-arrest fame — in “Islamophobic” America, one might think that little clock-maker [Read More]
American Thinker: Take the money and run. With the huge windfall enjoyed by the Mohamed family — of clock-bomb-arrest fame — in “Islamophobic” America, one might think that little clock-maker [Read More]
CPR: In July a career criminal, an illegal alien numerous times deported, shot and killed an innocent young lady, Kate Steinle. The Sheriff had previously determined to release the career [Read More]
A new ad campaign launched Wednesday warned voters in Houston, Texas that they could face up to $5,000 in fines if they object to men using women’s bathrooms under the [Read More]
Before we get started, watch this video of Hillary bursting out in laughter at the Benghazi hearing: Roby said, “I don’t know why that’s funny. … I don’t find it [Read More]
BreitbartCA: California will soon provide taxpayer-funded genital altering “sex change” surgery for prison inmates, with a new policy coming out this week that includes standards to approve the estimated $100,000 procedure.
DailyCaller: FBI Director James Comey told Congress Wednesday federal officials must “get smarter” about allowing foreigners with green cards to “wander around” sensitive government facilities like NASA’s Langley Research Center [Read More]
WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. Paul Ryan formally declared his candidacy for speaker of the U.S. House Thursday evening, pledging in a letter to GOP colleagues, “We have an opportunity to [Read More]
NYP— BURLINGTON, Vt. — Officials say vandals burned, decapitated and cut the feet off the namesake statue that had sat outside a Ronald McDonald House in Vermont.
TRENTON, NJ — The health care worker who sharply criticized being quarantined at a New Jersey hospital last year because she had contact with Ebola patients in West Africa said [Read More]
Patricia Smith, mother of victim Sean Smith, told CNN that Clinton promised her answers during the casket ceremony but never got back to her.
Jihad Watch- The German churches should redouble their efforts at “Muslim-Christian dialogue.” Surely that will fix this problem right up in a hurry, won’t it? Otherwise, with hundreds of thousands more [Read More]
WND: NEW YORK – As former Sectary of State Hillary Clinton prepares to testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, new documentary evidence of a secret State Department gun-running [Read More]
It’s true, women are abused everywhere, but in most countries it’s against the law. In Islamic states, it is the law. Sharia Watch About 20 years ago I lived in [Read More]
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is struggling with a $13 million debt load. ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.