Mr.Pinko – Page 34 – IOTW Report
About Mr.Pinko
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Ted Cruz APPRECIATES Sarah Palin

Tuesday, 19 January 2016, 21:42 Mr.Pinko 19

Ted Cruz keeping it CLASSY! Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this web site by Mr. Pinko are soley Mr. Pinko’s. These views and opinions do not necessarily [Read More]

Tweet of the Day

Sunday, 17 January 2016, 18:14 Mr.Pinko 20

MT @GaetaSusan All Rep.Candidates R Qualified to be Potus Stand United & Focus on getting ONE in the WH #GodBlessUSA — CFJ —►∅◄— #OiP (@_CFJ_) January 17, 2016

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