Mr.Pinko – Page 36 – IOTW Report
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BUSH League

Wednesday, 16 December 2015, 0:04 Mr.Pinko 13

Have to locate the video. Bush watched at the immediate moment Trump began to speak and interrupted him. Bush had a smarmy, punch-able look on his face when he did [Read More]

Cruz vs Trump – premature?

Friday, 11 December 2015, 9:19 Mr.Pinko 52

Did Ted Cruz screw up? Cruz attacks Trump at a private meeting – the audio is leaked (Romney deja vu). Cruz’s campaign dismissed the story as “misleading,” but Cruz himself [Read More]

New poll

Tuesday, 8 December 2015, 20:53 Mr.Pinko 17

Do you agree the USA should stop new Muslims from coming to our country until immigrants are vetted better? Take the poll here

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