House Benghazi committee to review secret Hillary tapes on Libya.
Washington Times reported last week that U.S. intelligence did not support Mrs. Clinton’s story of an impending genocide in Libya that she used to sell the war against Moammar Gadhafi’s regime.
The newspaper also unveiled secretly recorded tapes from Libya that showed that the Pentagon and Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich so distrusted her stewardship of the war that they opened their own diplomatic channels with the Gadhafi regime. more
And Benghazi should not ‘go away’ unless someone, SOMEONE, is put away.
Oh PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE be that time of the month, when the moderator at a candidate debate asks her about that night!!! 😉
Yes, but Governor Walker’s lack of a college degree won’t go away either. Guess which one the MSM will go away from.
Someone WAS put away over Benghazi. Unfortunately, it was the anti-Islamic movie maker that Hillary said would be put in jail.
Does anyone really believe that he would have been put in jail for probation violation were it not for an excuse for the Benghazi fiasco?
Well the Clintons have been getting away with bad things for over 40 years, does anyone have the guts or power to stop them? 😡
Man, I’d pay for a ringside seat if Gowdy were given a shot a cross-examining the Hildebeast. Let’s see her try that “what difference does it make?” crapola with him!
This cackling Power Whore stood next to the caskets of brave dead Americans and solemnly promised to get the film maker who started this.
Were I Emperor I would have her justly drawn and quartered.
If that harpie gets elected, we’re in for a world of shit. B. Hussein is bad enough… just wait until Killary throws us under the succubus.
While I agree that the Leftists will go there, anybody who really gives a shit about college educations isn’t going to vote for Walker anyhow.
Ask Mark Steyn and Bill Gates and lots of others how lack of a college degree crippled them.
Me, I’m all Harvarded and Yaled and Princetonned out.
In 2016, not being one of the chosen herd will play huge.
In fact, Walker knocks that accusation off in a heartbeat by reminding Everyone that the first Republican Predident, Honest Abe, barely had a formal education at all.
Stick that in your corncob pipe and smoke it, suckers!
Chief, they are diving headfirst into this briar patch…
They are running the classic democratic playbook. Kill the candidate before he even gets out of the gate. My goodness they are afraid of Walker!
The deflated foot ball got more coverage than Benghazi. The media suck.
I would be just tickled if Shrillary could find out EXACTLY what difference, at this point, it makes.
Jail this lying bitch.