Black Lives Matter – IOTW Report

Black Lives Matter

black lives matter


I’m sure you’ve heard by now that an unarmed, white man was beaten to death by hammer-wielding black and Latino teenagers in St Louis.

His final act on this earth was protecting his wife from the animals who had set upon them while they drove home from a bar. [Hat tip Daily Mail]

We’ve been assured that this brutal murder was not racially motivated.

I don’t know about you, but I feel so much better knowing that.

I’m sure his wife is relieved to know that, though her husband was beaten to death, it wasn’t because of his skin color. MORE

23 Comments on Black Lives Matter

  1. I agree with that. Kill each other. But as Mayor Rudy Gulianni said to the Georgetown Professor. The only reason white cops are in your neighborhood is to prevent you from shooting each other.

    You just can’t win.

  2. All lives matter except to democRats. I have black friends and some of those are from mixed marriages. I used to have black employees who were good workers. Their lives indeed mattered to me and still do. On many blogs I am called a racist but I hate black niggers and white niggers equally.

    The new breed of blacks and white trash doing bad things are constantly egged on by Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, most of the media and the entire democRat party. It is to keep them squarely 6on the government plantation and voting democRat.

    But we are also seeing a new conservative breed of black such as Mia Love, Allen West, Thomas Sowell, Charles Payne and Tim Scott. We will win this war.

  3. Is that another photo-shop? If not, where did they find those nice, young Knee Grows, obviously with some brains and common sense? I know they’re out there, but endangered, no doubt.

  4. Where in the bible does it give a parable, or example jesus was more capitalist or more socialist. Find the example and we will all be the better.

    I think this website is pitting poor white and black, and latinos against each other. Which is about par for the course. This is the same strategy used after reconstruction in the south.

    Generational wealth is at the heart of this discussion and Morality at the epicenter as well. Will right wing extremist turn America into Facist Jihad.

    Or is there a populist middle ground. I think rural farmers play a role. But I am a non-denominational, hunting, land owning, non political black man. Who gets Jesus at sunset after a long day in the field. But, my people were also abolitionists and escaped slaves so it runs in my blood.
    I wonder how free land and free labor helped build the empire. No, I am not leaving, just reclaiming ground and purchasing more land.
    If there is a war in will not be black vs white, gop vs dem, or left vs right. It will be corporations vs the 99%. Tea Party agrees with the far left. This is the war and the populist movement.

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