Bogus Hillary Clinton website highlights online perils for 2016 candidates – IOTW Report

Bogus Hillary Clinton website highlights online perils for 2016 candidates

(Reuters) – bears the likely Democratic presidential candidate’s name, but she would not want supporters to go there: some cyber security experts said this week the site contains malicious software.

The site is registered, not to Clinton, but to an administrator in the Cayman Islands. Its existence underscores the challenge 2016 U.S. presidential hopefuls will face in trying to control their digital brands, more important than ever before as voters increasingly turn to the Internet to learn more about candidates.

An examination by Reuters of domains including the full names of eight Republican and four Democratic hopefuls, ending in .com, .org, .net and .info, showed that only a few of those sites appear to be under the control of the candidates.  more

3 Comments on Bogus Hillary Clinton website highlights online perils for 2016 candidates

  1. I went there, so you don’t have to risk your computer.

    The link to click in to proceed into the site does not show up for me, because it’s designed to compromise those using windows and activeX. So if you’re still a windows baby, don’t go.

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