BREAKING: Search 50,000 John Podesta e-mails Compliments of Wikileaks – IOTW Report

BREAKING: Search 50,000 John Podesta e-mails Compliments of Wikileaks

Now you can search 50,000+ more John Podesta e-mails courtesy of Wikileaks. There is sure to be way more juicy and damning information than described below.
Click here to see some of the egregious examples of the Podesta e-mails on Hillary Clinton.

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13 Comments on BREAKING: Search 50,000 John Podesta e-mails Compliments of Wikileaks

  1. @ All Too Much- This part cracked me up….

    “*Hillary Clinton: “We Couldn’t Take Our Computers, We Couldn’t Take Our Personal Devices” Off The Plane In China And Russia. *“I mean, probably the most frustrating part of this whole debate are countries acting like we’re the only people in the world trying to figure out what’s going on. I mean, every time I went to countries like China or Russia, I mean, we couldn’t take our computers, we couldn’t take our personal devices, we couldn’t take anything off the plane because they’re so good, they would penetrate them in a minute, less, a nanosecond. So we would take the batteries out, we’d leave them on the plane.” [Hillary Clinton Remarks at Nexenta, 8/28/14] ”

    But a server hidden under a toilet in some guy’s bathroom is safer than what the government’s security team had to offer? Bitch, please.


    *Clinton Said Single-Payer Health Care Systems “Can Get Costs Down,” And “Is As Good Or Better On Primary Care,” But “They Do Impose Things Like Waiting Times.” *“If you look at countries that are comparable, like Switzerland or Germany, for example, they have mixed systems. They don’t have just a single-payer system, but they have very clear controls over budgeting and accountability. If you look at the single-payer systems, like Scandinavia, Canada, and elsewhere, they can get costs down because, you know, although their care, according to statistics, overall is as good or better on primary care, in particular, they do impose things like waiting times, you know. It takes longer to get like a hip replacement than it might take here.” [Hillary Clinton remarks to ECGR Grand Rapids, 6/17/13]

    Sure, you have longer waiting times for Cancer treatments but hey— Cost goes way down for it when the patient dies, right?

    Fuck this demon bitch!

  3. “On May 3, 2015, at 5:17 PM, Joel Benenson > wrote: Here’s a first stab: The Foundation does life-saving work around the world, including getting HIV drugs to 8 MM people, ”

    Yeah, the watered down phony HIV drugs that were ineffective? Those HIV drugs?
    Devil bitch.

  4. “As the Republican National Convention embraces the Bush Administration, it is important to reflect on the President’s foreign policy legacy – one of the most disastrous in the history of the United States. President Bush inherited a peerless military and global respect for the U.S. and its values created over six decades of US engagement in the world. After 9/11, the President had an opportunity to unite the world behind us, eliminate the threat from Al Qaeda, and create a new security framework for the 21st century. Rather than finish the job against those who attacked us, President Bush squandered that chance by launching an ill-advised war in Iraq. Today Al Qaeda has regrouped in Pakistan, the situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating and Osama Bin Laden is still on the loose.”

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