Check out our friend, Wayne Allyn Root, EPIC RANT on the NFL – IOTW Report

Check out our friend, Wayne Allyn Root, EPIC RANT on the NFL

You cannot get a bigger NFL fan than Wayne Allyn Root and here is his …


Check out a past interview with @BigFurHat and Wayne Allyn Root here.

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32 Comments on Check out our friend, Wayne Allyn Root, EPIC RANT on the NFL

  1. I’m sure badminton is your favorite sport you old tit saggin’ bastid.

    The point is. IT’S FUGGIN’ ENTERTAINMENT. IT’S MEANINGLESS. Literally has no affect on one anyone’s lives….except for gay drama queens.

    Destroy the NFL. Destroy ALL professional sports. America would be better off for it.

    But I’ll let you keep your precious badminton and cock slaps to the face.

  2. I tend to agree that professional sports has gotten totally out of hand in the U.S.

    But now I’m confused – I thought the object of badminton was to keep the cock in the air, through the continual application of well-timed strokes.


  3. :Insert 4 laughing emojis here:

    I think that’s the key Vietvet. Sports are fine. The modern bloated sports/media complex is crap. No real idea when it happened. But I do remember being a kid when the superbowl went over 5 hours for the first time.

    But yeah….. it looks like we’re all gonna’ have to keep an eye on this fast rising, hard new sport called badminton.

  4. Pffft. That old fart will pass out from the altitude before he even gets out of his handicapped walking space.

    Meanwhile, I’ll lead a marching band in the parking lot and sell cigarettes to unsuspecting children and/or midgets.

  5. Honestly, I was only in it for the potential sex and exposing Aaron “The Bully” Burr as the Bully he is. Picking on the elderly like me.

    In Aaron’s own words “Tired of bitches calling the cops on me every time I knock their dentures out”

    Those are bag ladies people. Think about it.

  6. Oh. OHHHHHHHHHHH. Jeeze Brad if all you wanted was for me to put my hands on your shoulders and give you colonoscopy all you had to do was ask.

    But I didn’t want to assume xir gender Brad. “Bitches” is always a safe bet.

  7. Go ahead and pick on me. I deserve it. My hood hinges on the 66 are fugged and cannot be repaired.

    On the upside I had the hood fall on my neck. Man they used a lot of steel back in the day.

  8. Nah I fired that dude. Him and flip flop or whatever the hell his Indonesian name was. Neither of them were worth a damn in the shop.

    Flip flop could scramble some mean eggs though….. feel bad about calling INS on him….

  9. If your serious, I’ll ask in the morning. My neck hurts and now I have a headache.


    Fudge, this white privilege deal is such a burden sometimes.

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