Chelsea Clinton Book Signing Does Not Go Well – IOTW Report

Chelsea Clinton Book Signing Does Not Go Well

Chelsea Clinton had a book signing in NYC this past weekend. It did not go nicely as one attendee asks Chelsea to sign a book for a friend. Who was that friend?

Juanita Broaddrick

Watch Chelsea Clinton react to request to sign book for Juanita Broaddrick HERE.

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28 Comments on Chelsea Clinton Book Signing Does Not Go Well

  1. For all the trolling she attempts on Twitter you would think she’d at least appreciate this expert trolling at the very least.

    BTW: Anybody else notice Chelsea’s head is way too big for her body?

  2. She should bow her head in shame and go away. Read in this morning’s Before It’s News that Podesta was trying to spend FORTY BILLION DOLLARS of Hillary’s money so they can hide it around the world when Bill and Hillary go to prison. Eventually Chelsea will get her greedy paws on mom and dad’s ill gotten gains. Why is little miss Hubbell doing the book thing?

  3. Written for people who didn’t want to or were scared to speak up? WTF would this mega-privileged dumbass, who was born with 100 silver spoons in her mouth, possibly know about this? What a retarded idea to begin with. She persisted? This is friggin retarded, only a stupid liberal could come up with such nonsense.

  4. They make you buy the book, then ask for it to be signed. This lady should sign it herself, auction it off and send the proceeds to a worthy cause – rape crisis center comes to mind. Well done!!!

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