Christie ally pleads guilty; two more indicted in bridge scandal – IOTW Report

Christie ally pleads guilty; two more indicted in bridge scandal

david wildstein


USA today-

TRENTON — David Wildstein, a former aide to Gov.Chris Christie, pleaded guilty Friday to charges related to the closing of lanes over a Hudson river bridge as a political vendetta against a local mayor for not endorsing the governor for re-election. Two more aides were also charged in the alleged scheme that has tarnished the bid by Christie for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.

Indictments unsealed on Friday named Bridget Kelly, former Christie deputy chief of staff, and Bill Baroni, the former deputy executive director of the powerful Port Authority of New York and New Jersey that oversees operation of the George Washington bridge, the target of the 2013 lane closures.

Both were also named in federal court Friday by David Wildstein, another former Port Authority executive, under terms of a plea agreement.


7 Comments on Christie ally pleads guilty; two more indicted in bridge scandal

  1. Wildstein’s mouthpiece also stated publicly that they have a smoking gun that proves all of this was done with Christie’s approval.

    Which, of course, will sink Christie, because he’s a Republican.

    And former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and his wife are cooling their heels in prison over accepting a Rolex and some dinners.

    Yet, Hillary Clinton, she of the inept careless Benghazi travesty, openly using her office to shake down donors and subvert the security of the United States, stands poised to become the President.

    I don’t think anything that Christie or McDonnell have done comes even close to the capital crimes of the Clintons, but there you have it.

    Democrats have no standards, and as such, are held to none.

  2. “Democrats have no standards, and as such, are held to none.”

    Republicans use to have some standards, but allowing Obummer to stomp on the Constitution, tells me they have lowered their standards. They are in control of both houses now and what has been done? They have done nothing – nothing! They’re scared shitless to do anything to save America.

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