Connecting some dots – who is Lisa Barsoomian? – IOTW Report

Connecting some dots – who is Lisa Barsoomian?

It smells like conspiracy and treason. Everyone needs to read this. Slowly, and patiently, because it’s very important……

Find out who Lisa Barsoomian is HERE

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20 Comments on Connecting some dots – who is Lisa Barsoomian?

  1. Aren’t there laws, called spousal privilege, where a court cannot force someone to testify against their spouse?
    Pretty convenient for the Rosenstein family, don’t you think?

  2. To be fair to Q, I have never seen “Trust Rosenstein” in what I have read. Q would lose my attention for good if that happened.

    Hey, all you Q aficionados…does Q ever mention Henry Kerner?

  3. I’m so glad to see this starting to be shown in the light of day. They’re all in cahoots together. Somehow the general public needs to be made aware of it, but the msm will never cover it. With a democratic congress, it will all go back under the rug.
    I’d like to see HSBC factored in, along with comey and clinton’s involvement.

  4. What a tangled web we weave when we first try to deceive. They’re going to need a real Sherlock Holmes to unravel all these incestuous relationships in the deep state before this is over. I’m beginning to think that Watergate was a second rate operation compared to all the corruption within our govt. that we have now.

  5. f the MSDM had a single real investigative reporter, this would be making banner headlines. The fact that it isn’t shows how corrupt the situation has become in just a few decades.

  6. @Marco August 21, 2018 at 5:51 pm

    > f the MSDM had a single real investigative reporter, this would be making banner headlines.

    “Dog bites man”? Not “news”.
    “Man bites dog”? Might be “news”.

    Why would any professional journalist take pause at the fact (not yet “news”) that somebody sharing DNA (internally or externally) with Party apparatchiks, is “getting ahead”? Did I point out “professional” journalist? Oh, good. Then there’s not misleading “conflict of interest”.

  7. In a just world… stock in cigarettes and blindfolds would be through the roof with these revelations and it would be a long damn time before we could once again enjoy a peaceful quiet sunup.


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