Conservative leaders gang up to block Jeb Bush – IOTW Report

Conservative leaders gang up to block Jeb Bush

“Jeb is a very good moderate Democrat,” added top-rated talk radio host Mark Levin. “He’s very boring. He doesn’t elicit excitement and energy outside a very small circle of wealthy corporatists and GOP Beltway operatives. Time to move on.”

More at Washington Examiner.

13 Comments on Conservative leaders gang up to block Jeb Bush

  1. And I’ll bet is for Immigration.
    His wife is an immigrant.
    Columba Bush was born as Columba Garnica Gallo in León, Guanajuato, Mexico, where she grew up and attended high school. Her parents were José María Garnica, a migrant worker, and Josefina Gallo.

  2. In Days of Olde,
    the Party would champion the candidate that its members chose. These days,
    the Party conspires behind close doors and selects an unpalatable candidate to force down the throats of anyone still willing to vote.

    Don’t forget to send the money vital to supporting ‘your’ Party.

  3. I was thinking that the resurgence to vindicate GWB’s presidency would cause the publicity hound in JEB to step up and court the Bildeberg financial titans for his “chance at a legacy” ….hell NO. We have had enough dynasties to last a lifetime. Go find a real job, Jebby….

  4. yeah, and here’s the BULLSHIT headline from BULLSHIT newsmax

    “Jeb Bush Slams Obama Amnesty”

    how many times have you seen their survey question about passing amnesty? about twice a week

  5. Don’t want Jeb or Mitt. Want Walker or even Rand or Cruz.

    But I’ll gladly vote for Jeb over Hillary or FauxCahontas or some other Democrat leftist/socialist/communist — IF I HAVE TO.

    Of course, you already know my stance on that.

    What kind of closed door meetings are they having where someone is telling Jeb that the conservative base wants him as preezy???? Is there lots of whiskey and cigars? Maybe some weed? Sheesh. He must have money to burn.

  6. Four million voters stayed at home on Election Day 2012–and Romney lost.
    That number will be nothing in comparison to the numbers who will stay home in 2016 if Romney or Bush get the nomination.
    Why not ensure a loss and just nominate Juan McRINO for another go ’round! At least he’d then be out of the Senate as well!

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