COUGHER In Chief Won’t Go Away! Commencement Speech at Wellesley College – IOTW Report

COUGHER In Chief Won’t Go Away! Commencement Speech at Wellesley College

Hillary Clinton has a 3+ minute coughing fit at the Wellesley College Commencement Speech. Transcripts and video replays EDITED out the torture!

SEE the VIDEO and EXCERPTS HERE at PolitOpinion

Speech included IMPEACHMENT prediction.

“And by the way, we were furious about the past presidential election of a man whose presidency would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of justice. After firing the person running the investigation into him at the department of justice.”

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26 Comments on COUGHER In Chief Won’t Go Away! Commencement Speech at Wellesley College

  1. Here’s a new award designed for those who have committed crimes, especially listed by the FBI, but, the criminal really didn’t mean it: The Emily Litella Award. Never Mind.

  2. I’ve wondered for some time whether her chronic cough is a symptom of a greater neurological pathology rather than being related to pulmonary disease i.e. Pneumonia. She has demonstrated a constellation of neurogenic symptoms in the past, and this may be just another one.

    I’ve included a link to an interesting medical paper on the subject.

  3. Since donations have dried up, she’s off the good stuff and just

    drinking Rubbing Alcohol with a plastic Olive in it

    It’s called a “Hello Kitty”

  4. Back when she had Official State Secrets to sell to the highest “donor”, she got $700k per “speech”.

    Now that she has nothing to sell except testimony against her fellow Treason conspirators, her rates must be waaaaay down.

    Wellesley must be one of the last venues she can still find a gullible audience. Even for free.

    “Please clap”.

  5. Well, if anyone knows obstruction of justice, Hillary does. She’s also pretty good at perjury and accepting bribes as well.

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