Dianny’s 10 Most Tiresome People of 2014 – IOTW Report

Dianny’s 10 Most Tiresome People of 2014

Find out who they are HERE

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10 Comments on Dianny’s 10 Most Tiresome People of 2014

  1. Great list and great commentary. About Lena Dunham, before she started up with this book and all the revelations coming out of it I watched her show a few times. It wasn’t too bad. In fact, when she first appeared nude I thought it was kind of gutsy. Let’s face it, Dunham’s body is would be most charitably described as frumpy and in a town that worships beauty and perfection in women appearing nude with a body like that is as I said, pretty gutsy. Then she started to appear more and often all or partially nude even when it really wasn’t needed in the storyline. After about five or six episodes I came to the conclusion that this woman likes to expose herself and will do it every chance she can get in the show. That’s when I stopped watching because a train wreck is really only interesting for a little while before it becomes just sad.

  2. I refuse to hate anybody; but the people on this list are very, very tiresome to me. Dianny could have done a list of TWENTY; but even that would only scratch the surface.

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