Did Kathy Griffin Inspire London Terror Attack? – IOTW Report

Did Kathy Griffin Inspire London Terror Attack?

@Mr_Pinko asks a question (ridiculous or poignant?) that the Left will mock.

#LondonBridge #LondonAttacks #londonattack #LondonBridgeAttack #kathygriffin #KathyGriffinHateSpeech


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19 Comments on Did Kathy Griffin Inspire London Terror Attack?

  1. As a precaution, lock her up indefinitely.

    If the Muslim violence worldwide stops,
    we know it was Griffin.

    If Muzzie violence doesn’t stop, then we need to continue her lockup until it does. 😀

  2. The only reason her infamous photo is not on the cover of ISIS Magazine is that she’s a woman. She’d better hope they don’t ever mention her in their propaganda.

  3. I say treat Kathy Giffin like global warming. Sure, her actions probably had nothing to do with the London attacks, but why take the chance? Lock her up, waterboard her, and if nothing comes of it, then “oh well.” But at least we are doing something that we can all feel good about, and feelings are all that count, right?

    I do love being progressive, wiithout having to do all that thinking and things.

  4. Conservatives did Griffin a favor by focusing on her stunt. She has now become significant to the left. Sometimes the best tactic is to ignore/forgive an offender.

  5. Mr. Pinko hit the target.

    A burkaless, Western kafir holding up the bloody head of an alpha male POTUS more than probably inspired the latest London attack and definitely will inspire more musloid savagery.

    You think it deters them? No way.

    Aid & Comfort to The Enemy.

  6. The Radicals see a dog-woman holding the severed head of the American POTUS and then
    watch the unending, world-wide television and print coverage that ensues.

    It’s a how-to manual for them to do the same.

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