“Donald Trump is Coming to Town” PARODY SONG – IOTW Report

“Donald Trump is Coming to Town” PARODY SONG

This parody song was posted on Facebook Christmas Eve and received over…

1 million views – SEE IT HERE

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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5 Comments on “Donald Trump is Coming to Town” PARODY SONG

  1. You better not pout

    you better not cry

    you better not be tweeting about White Genocide

    Cuz Donald Trump is coming to Town

    (and for shits and grins He’s bringing all of us deplorable’s with Him)

  2. You better watch out
    You better go pray
    Better cover those arms
    Or your skin we will flay
    Shari’ah law is comin’ to town
    We’re makin’ a switch
    And lashing you twice
    Gonna shield the world
    From falsehood and vive
    Shari’ah law is comin’ to town

    We’ll cleave you if you’re theivin’
    We’ll stone if you’re unchaste
    We’ll know if you’ve hid your heart from truth
    So submit for Allah’s sake

    So, you better watch out
    You better go pray
    You better steer clear of those
    Friends who are gay
    Shari’ah law is comin’ to town

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