Don’t Let Robots Train Our Soldiers – IOTW Report

Don’t Let Robots Train Our Soldiers

Scooter Van Neuter reports: I saw this article that says the Pentagon is soon going to use robots to train Marines(!) Is it just me, or is this the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard?

Have these retards never seen literally any movie ever made about robots? I may not be a genius, but even as a child, The Jetsons vividly taught me the fallibility of robots. Okay, you’re thinking “but Scooter, that was the 60s, robots are much smarter today.” Oh really? I guess you’ve never owned a real robot. Well, I have.


5 Comments on Don’t Let Robots Train Our Soldiers

  1. Drill sergeants are teachers whose lessons are give through interaction with the students.
    Interaction like “Say ‘Pop!’ private! Say it! You know what that is private? That’s the sound of you finally pulling your head out of your ass and getting with the program!”
    The people I knew in the military – good, bad, ugly…whatever – including me, require swift rebuke and correction fitted immediately to the recruits who need it. Robots can’t lead/teach by example, or make fine-line moral distinctions required moment-by-moment.
    Robots can not council or advise by personal experience. Robots can not see a possible psycho case needing attention. Robots may be useful in a way a computer is useful, and may mimic a limited range of instructional demonstrations, and maybe that is where some of this will go, but they obviously can’t replace human instructors because they don’t learn in the variety of ways humans do.

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