Driving While Idiot – IOTW Report

Driving While Idiot

DC Beacon—A pregnant woman died in Texas on Thursday after being thrown from her car during an accident with her boyfriend. Houston police says the Monica Ramirez, who was naked, had apparently been fighting with boyfriend Anton Aleksandrov about 2 a.m. on New Year’s Day, KHOU reported. They got into separate vehicles and were heading south on the Sam Houston Parkway when the cars struck each other. Both drivers lost control and slammed into a garage. MORE

18 Comments on Driving While Idiot

  1. Driving while idiot? Go f*** yourselves iotwreport!

    I happened to know this girl. She was the sweetest, most caring person I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. To you she’s a story, but to us she was a person, and a wonderful one at that. Have some respect.

  2. Insert Name Here,

    I would like to hear what you know about the situation.

    Like you, I have had a loved one in the news that the very biased, unthoughtful reporting made it look like something else than what was the truth. Which then made it easy for the commenters be flippantly uncaring.

    I was shocked and incensed when I read how callously unthoughtful they were. They were totally revealing their own sicknesses.

    Why was she there at all?

    What was really happening?

    Why was she naked?

    His name sounds Russian. Is he a foreigner?

    Please fill in what’s true.

    – Dadof4

  3. Dadof4, thank you for that. It was insightful and refreshingly sincere.

    She had been with the guy since sometime around 2013 (and yes, he is Russian). Everyone who knew her tried to tell her she needed to get out. Towards the end (a month or two before the tragedy), her dad even stepped in, came to get her to live out of state with him.

    However, she ended up moving back to Houston shortly thereafter, and continued to see Anton. I don’t know much, neither do those I talked to about it. I found out through facebook. I talked to a mutual friend about it and he doesn’t know too much either, but we are trying to piece it together.

    The two of them had a lot of problems though, and for whatever reason she was holding onto him. It was kinda a love-hate thing they had going. They were out for new years, and from the looks of things (judging from the location and the way she was going on the beltway) she was trying to get away and get home. As for the naked driving bit, my guess is as good as anyone’s, but it’s been bugging me (and those who knew her for that matter, those I’ve talked to anyway). He was tailing her when she went through the wall, so I have my suspicions…

    I don’t want to give too many personal details out of respect for Monica, but just some background info and what I know, which is basically the story as it is on the news, and little tiny fragments I’m still trying to piece together. The baby girl was taken out before she passed though (she was thinking on naming her Astrid). She also has a 6 year old son.

    She really was a great person though, like the warm center people would gravitate towards. She was vibrant, personable, and extremely likeable. She had a glow about her, and everyone loved her, and she was gorgeous to boot. She deserved much better than this….

  4. Thank you so much for posting again.

    I’m sorry for your loss. We never know what is going through their minds. All we get is a snapshot from a distance and rarely with truthful captions.

    Please use the section we call The Bullpen to give us any updates. You can personally post your own articles, links, text – whatever you want. It’s open to the public.

    I would look forward to that.

    Thanks again.

  5. “Driving while idiot? Go f*** yourselves iotwreport!”

    @ Insert Name Here: Sorry for your loss.
    Go fuck yourselves? That’s fine and respectful,
    but why do you assume the title was about the woman?

  6. I read this post earlier today and when I did I interpreted the title to mean that the guy was the idiot.
    He’s the one who chased her, drunk (as far as what the police are saying) and probably ran her off the road and killed her.

    But, since we were told to go fuck ourselves I guess I will update the title to Commenting While Idiot.

  7. Don’t get us wrong, We ARE a-holes, but we tend to side with the pregnant women who get killed by abusive boyfriends (we prefer they be married, but it’s progworld out there), who are trying to flee them.
    The story said there was a DWI involved.
    I surmised it was the guy who was drunk and not, God forbid, the pregnant woman, especially in light of the fact that we learn now that she was one of the most caring women you’ve ever met.

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