Experts predict robots will take over 30% of our jobs by 2025 – IOTW Report

Experts predict robots will take over 30% of our jobs by 2025

robot burger maker

And white-collar jobs aren’t immune.

BusinessInsider: There’s a BakeBot robot whipping up fresh cookies at MIT; hospitals are now employing medical robots to assist their doctors; and a robot named Baxter can beat any human at the popular logic game Connect Four, among many other tasks.

“Historically what we thought was that robots would do things that were the three D’s: dangerous, dirty, and dull,” explains Ryan Calo, professor at University of Washington School of Law with an expertise in robotics. “Over time, the range of things that robots can do has extended.”


20 Comments on Experts predict robots will take over 30% of our jobs by 2025

  1. I want a robot that will bring me stuff from the fridge when I’m stuck in bed having a bad day. Which happens a lot now.
    I have Ensure which I prefer room temperature so I have that at arms length.
    But a robot would be nice to do simple things I used to take for granted.
    { and it would be cool to have it blast a few rounds from my .45 outside. Which I could watch via camera. And then take it apart and clean it and put it together again and bring it back. So…hell yeah I want a robot}

  2. My job is already in jeopardy. We are currently training the AI (Artificial Intelligence) to take over for us. I score student writing essays and they are taking the scores we give papers to the IT guys to ‘train’ the AI to give the same type of paper the same score we gave it. At first, the ones they can’t score will come to us to score. Eventually, they will all be scored by AI. This has already started in a trial this year.

    Poor kids. If they have any individuality, humor, sarcasm or intelligence, they will loose. The computer will see it as not following the “rules” and fail them. I can see it now…

  3. Have they decided on a universal paint scheme (color) for the robots? what if the black robots riot and loot more then the purple ones do?…and the teal?, and the beige?, and…what about the paisley ones who won’t bake cakes?….and the Rainbow robots that won’t get there hands dirty?…What if one robot is taller then the next?….I could just go on and on…

  4. I am currently forming an organization which will unionize robots – the Beneficial Order of Robots Everywhere (“BORE”). The purpose of BORE will be a minimum wage of $50.00, and Cadillac health care. And don’t try to fire them due to a increased costs – members of BORE will give new meaning to the term “you’re fired” if you try.

    Come to think of it, BORE would be no worse than many of our current public unions.

  5. I can sympathize with Claudia, but I doubt you have much to worry about. The ones that should worry are the no skill people – the burger flippers, the fruit pickers, and others that do menial physical jobs that don’t require thinking. People don’t realize, but the cost of making a robot or automating processes is getting cheaper.

  6. Government jobs will be going the same way as the tech industry….outsourcing….the blue collar government jobs will be going out to independent contractors via cheaper labor underbidding….government employees are soon to be contract labor….no benefits, no retirement, no pension….NOW, if we could only get Indian (dot heads) to move into the legal system for $50 an hour….AW SHUCKS, the lawyers won’t let that happen cuz the politicians are ALL lawyers anyways….never mind…

  7. So robots are built that flips burgers displacing minimum wage workers. People with more training, skills and education are hired to build, program, repair, improve the robots.
    Former minimum wage workers are trained and educated to do robotics.
    Oh, never mind. Burger flippers go on welfare and vote for Demorats until the end of time.

  8. I went to “Sonic” yesterday and got a REALLY mediacre cheeseburger and fries and a drink combo thingy…for $7 bucks…it kind of sucked….I can build $12 burgers that would keep you coming back….fast food is very much in trouble…maybe restaurants too….I can cook one hell of a steak dinner for 4 for less the $25 bucks….why would I spend $125 for the same?…certain industries are near collapse because this inflationary trend…

  9. As sandwich engineer, I certainly don’t ….wait what??

    Sure as hell wouldn’t take much to supply a power point presentation along with appropriate background music and COMPLETELY ELIMINATE ALL collefe and university professors and teaching assistants and save all the students millions on tuition.

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