Former Obama Treasury Secretary Jack Lew gets BURNT on LIVE Broadcast by Trump’s EU Trade Deal – IOTW Report

Former Obama Treasury Secretary Jack Lew gets BURNT on LIVE Broadcast by Trump’s EU Trade Deal

Former Obama Treasury Secretary Jack Lew was in the middle of dissing President Trump’s trade tactics when he was interrupted by the news of the President’s EU deal.

SEE the oh so satisfying video here. 

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19 Comments on Former Obama Treasury Secretary Jack Lew gets BURNT on LIVE Broadcast by Trump’s EU Trade Deal

  1. Keep in mind, several Republican/RINO law makers stood before a mic that very morning and demanded DJT put an end to the Tariffs. Tom Sullivan, a borderline NeverTrumper, described these asshole as EU agents. I think Sullivan is coming around.

  2. You know what is really painful for a lot of these guys is that they thought they could participate in the take down of Trump, and they are now realizing that in order to survive as a parasitic politician they have to support Trump. Those TRAITOROUS BASTARDS all need to hang!

  3. Yea Joe.
    As small business owners how much fun would we have if we had that much clout. Sadly most of the time I’m on the low end of the food chain. DJT knows his shit and his retarded detractors that have accomplished nothing in their lives, should sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
    Just sayen. losers.

  4. And another fuckin thing (I like saying that because if someone was ignoring me they at least listen to the next sentence), Trump is not a politician, and I hate politicians! NeverTrumpers that claim to be republicans make me sick! I have a couple people in mind on that.

  5. What a thing of beauty.
    Lew had to lick his own butt from the truth live on the air, it burned that much.
    Made AA watch it before she left the house this morning, we were both laughing watching him try to diss P. Trump.
    The gal would have none of it.
    Anyone tired of winning?
    Whats next.

  6. joe6pak

    Yea I’d like to add to that. “The Trump Lies”. He’s not lying, he’s set mother fuckers up. We are truly blessed to have this guy step up.

  7. Someone needs to explain how and why those rotten trade deals were made and why so many of our politicians, talking heads and officials defend them. They have been selling us out for decades.

  8. @RickeyG
    Yeah, that’s what the man standing on the gallows with the rope around his neck said.
    I love it when their balloons get popped at their own party.

  9. The real fun part was after the announcement while Jack Lew is saying how it is hurting agriculture export, the news crawler announces Europe plans to increase soybean imports. Hilarious juxtaposition.

  10. B_B: We’ve GOT to come up with an insulting name other than variations of “vagina”.

    I like vaginas. I suspect you do, too. I DON’T LIKE Jack Lew. Or any of his friends.

    Anyone out there willing to take up this challenge?


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