George W. Bush Joins Wounded Warriors for 100k Bike Ride – IOTW Report

George W. Bush Joins Wounded Warriors for 100k Bike Ride

Legal Insurrection

President George W. Bush has been quiet about politics since leaving office but has remained active in his dedication to members of our armed forces.

This weekend, Bush joined a group of wounded warriors for his annual W100K, a 100 kilometer bike ride meant to honor their service and remind others of their bravery.

The Fox News Insider reports:

Hear From President Bush as He Starts His Bike Ride With Wounded Warriors

President George W. Bush is hosting his fifth annual bike ride for Wounded Warriors in Texas.

Fox News’ own Dr. Marc Siegel is riding along with the former commander-in-chief and our nation’s heroes on the three-day journey.

“They’re injured and yet they refuse to allow their injury to consign them to a dull, meaningless life,” Bush told Siegel.



3 Comments on George W. Bush Joins Wounded Warriors for 100k Bike Ride

  1. While I detested his social liberal/fiscal conservative philosophy (you cannot be both since the former requires spending gobs of money once in the political arena), GW is and always will be a classy human being.

  2. I’m sorry. Was this bike race thingy in Europe? Canada? How many miles are there in a “K”? Or did they just pedal around a soccer stadium? Seriously though, an American president participating in a charity event to benefit wounded American soldiers injured while defending American interests… and the thing is designed using the Metric System? That just don’t seem right to me.

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