Guess Where? – IOTW Report

Guess Where?

Final 2014 Totals
Shot & Killed: 388
Shot & Wounded: 2231
Total Shot: 2619
Total Homicides: 456


10 Comments on Guess Where?

  1. That was my guess. But Zulu Shabazz (?) is right – they need more time at the range … They need to kill many more than that.

    388 out of 2.79 million = 0.014%
    They can do Better!

  2. Chitcago, Chitcago a progressive kind of town!

    2013 people shot: 2185

    2014 people shot: 2619

    The first thing I did yesterday was bring up

    As I read through related articles, etc. tabbing back and forth comparing stats from various outlets. I found some goof progressive who was going on and on that FIRST RESPONDERS and their superb training is why shootings were up but deaths were down.

  3. And those numbers were obtained with absolutely NO cooking of the books! (eyeroll.)

    The 20 percent increase of people being shot must be due to all those wild-ass people with CCW permits…

  4. Just checkin’ out The Big Nig, Al Sharkton.

    This man is so stupid, he can’t even speak English. Hie first language is Ignorance.

    “You OWE me, you rich motherfuckers, who have worked your asses off to get where you are! How come people who love crack and free shit ain’t doin’ so well?”

    answer: Because of assholes like Sharpton.

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