HEADS UP! ANTIFA PLANS for November 4th – IOTW Report

HEADS UP! ANTIFA PLANS for November 4th

Disguising themselves as Patriots / Trump Supporters / Police to CONFUSE the MEDIA/PUBLIC who the ENEMY is.


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39 Comments on HEADS UP! ANTIFA PLANS for November 4th

  1. I can’t wait to see what kind of clown-ass clown, scarecrow, Halloween costume, sleeves-too-long, ready for the flood “authentic police uniforms” mommy sews up for these pathetic fools. Probably having a meeting to cut the letters “P O L I S E” out of white duct tape.

  2. They’re talking themselves into doing something stupid. They are reportedly discussing having riots in the burbs and shooting “Trump” supporters. Better to error on the side if caution folks.
    Having said that my enemies are easily identified from the bullet holes.

  3. Gonna be hard impersonating Patriots while wearing ski masks.
    Impersonating police? Good luck with that, maggots.

    The Left’s various “Days Of Action” always fizzle. I’ve lost track.

    Maybe we should encourage them all to buy new matching sneakers, drink poisoned Kool-Aid and lie down on bunk beds to await The Morher Ship.

  4. What’s the deal on Nov.4th? Do they mean the 8th? Last year the election was the 7th. They only come out to play on weekends? Is it cause there’s a full moon the 4th? Oh, I bet they’re gonna eat shit and bark and the moon, huh?

  5. Antifa came here from Europe. They are very successful in Europe at creating havoc. Why? Because they show up. This isn’t an occupy group and it would be a mistake underestimating.

  6. I’m going to predict that while there may be a couple of skirmishes there will be nothing newsworthy. antifa has been dead in the water ever since the Shapiro speech in Berkeley, when police forced them to remove masks or be arrested. I’m sure some patriots and some antifa will show up next week, but like Rufus think it will be a big nothing burger.

  7. My plans for Nov 4 are to completely ignore the existence of these fools.

    Hopefully they’ll get tear gassed, shot, or beat the snot out of…or better yet, maybe they’ll mistake each other for us, and take themselves out with friendly fire.

  8. Hard to stage a national lightning Coup d’Etat when you have to post the signup sheet under “Coming Events–Other” on Craigslist.

    And a month in advance, so your “Revolutionary Army” can be sure of a ride from somebody’s Mom.

    Somehow I’m pretty sure PDT will still be POTUS on November 05.

    And Gillespie will be Governor-Elect in Virginia when polls close Novermber 07.

  9. If Robert Creamer is within 500 miles of this, you can bet that both sides fighting and media coverage including camera angles will be planned, rehearsed and stage managed during this spontaneous uprising.

  10. I read through the consamerica list. What? No Utah? No Las Vegas? And Phoenix the day before I arrive? Oh, well. I’m still going to travel armed and prepared.

  11. Defense plan the same as it ever was.

    A. Don’t go looking for trouble strapped or otherwise.

    B. Be on your property ready to defend it. Definitely be strapped. Have your rifle ready. Invite your friends. Most likely a party will break out at some point.

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