Here Are the 34 States Who Are Calling for a “Convention of the States” to Stop Obama – IOTW Report

Here Are the 34 States Who Are Calling for a “Convention of the States” to Stop Obama

Conservative Tribune—Article V of the U.S. Constitution states that Congress shall call a Convention of the Statesin order to propose amendments to the Constitution if two-thirds of the state legislatures request one.

The 34th state required, Michigan, submitted its petition earlier this year, but significant questions remain about the validity of all 34 requests currently at hand.

For example, some of the applications have been “rescinded” by the states — but the Constitution makes no provision for such a process. MORE

24 Comments on Here Are the 34 States Who Are Calling for a “Convention of the States” to Stop Obama

  1. Isn’t that what our Congress is supposed to do? WTF? Anyways, an update on the wife. Her CT scan came back, not good, they found black spots on/in her lungs. Oncologist thinks they are benign but she cannot confirm so off to a Pulmonary doc we go next week. The surgery dates have been changed to 1/12/15 for the plastic surgeon to re-route her blood flow to her stomach area so when he does the reconstruction the belly fat will be plentiful with blood supply and her bilateral mastectomy is on for 2/5/15. We also found out she will need chemotherapy after 2/5. I am very thankful to BFH for letting me post some personal stuff sometimes and thankful we have pretty good insurance and no Barrycare. Happy New Year to the iOTW hive. Sean

  2. Sean, so glad to hear some news about your wife. I’ve been praying for her since I first saw you mention her troubles here. I was without internet for the most part all last week and wondered if I was missing any updates. Now that I see your first name, I know longer have to say “mcfartusspontaneous’s wife” when I pray for her!

    As for the Article V snafu, no doubt Levin will be addressing this next Monday night. Stay tuned.

  3. Sean, best wishes and prayers for you and your wife.
    This, the aforementioned Convention, will not end well for those that cherish freedom and liberty. Nor is it intended to.

  4. Ahhh… but be careful what you wish for. The ‘RAT party is where all the shyster partisan lawyers are and they’ll be out in force for a chance to change the constitution in their favor.

  5. Not a bad idea if the delegates are regular “Joe and Jane Blow” citizens….


    If they are lawyers and/or DEMocRAT and REpubliCANT professional politicians…..we’ll be seriously screwed.

  6. Sean, good luck and God Bless – been praying for your wife.

    Article V convention: We already have the 10th Amendment which no one has the balls to use. Our Republic can only function with the participation of honorable men. It appears that all the honorable men have gone into the trades or become merchants.

  7. “Isn’t that what our Congress is supposed to do? ”

    Sure, but when they get out-of-hand we still have this option.

    “You get that gang of bungholes in DC together …”

    Aren’t the STATES at the convention and not the current crop of bungholes? Also, the bungholes themselves won’t be asked to ratify anything. Calling a convention is all they can do – if they can.

    “An Article V convention is needed…”

    Yes, I agree. In my humble opinion: A new amendment to abolish the 17th and restore the selection of senators by the states legislatures. The people’s elected representatives in each state should be picking them again. The states shouldn’t have to fight the Feds all the time.

    Bust up the centralized power! This would neuter the phenomenon of them being arm-twisted by the “party” once in Washington and not really representing the people that elected them. They wouldn’t be be-holden to party pressures since it’s the states that put them there. As it is, the “parties” have power the people should have, IMO.

    “What’s 34/57?”

    I’ll skip the smartass answers this morning. I think it a bit funny that the 57 stuck when if you go back and listen to that recording you’ll count up 60. Been to 57, one more to go. Not going to Alaska or Hawaii. I seriously think it was just a mis-speak due to fatigue, but it IS fun to razz him. I don’t think it made conservatives look very smart though to lock in on the 57. 60 would reflect what he actually said.

    34 states or 2/3 of both Senate and House to call the convention. 38 states would be needed to ratify anything new if congress balks, so the bungholes would not matter at that point. Except they pick whether it’s current state legislatures or state conventions that ratify.

    If there are enough conservatives to get this to happen, I doubt the libs could derail it and create more havoc. Conservatives do outnumber libs. Maybe even more so if race riots happen first – direct elimination of violent idiots.


    Sean, my prayers are with you and your family.

  8. Sean,

    Lung nodules are common. The scan isn’t bad news, even the oncologist and the radiologist who read the scan say the dots are probably benign. Stay positive. The liver, bones, brain, kidneys were clean, right? That is excellent!

    She will love her reconstruction. But beware and protect her feelings because just the thought of mastectomy and actually having it stirs feelings of being mutilated. Stay positive, the operation will get the cancer out of her body.

  9. Dadof4 – Thanks for ‘splaining that it’s the STATE LEGISLATURES who call for and participate in an Article V. The feds have NOTHING to do with it. It was the Founders’ method to combat an out-of-control federal Leviathan. An Article V addresses ONLY what is put on the first notification, nothing else.

    Thus, if the first proclamation states that amending the Constitution for purpose of adding a balanced-budget stipulation is what will be discussed and possibly voted on, that’s all that happens.

    Personally, I hope they overrule Obamacare, provide a balanced-budget clause and forbid amnesty/close the border. Term limits would be a nice touch as well.

  10. Sean. Be strong for your wife. You are her rock and she will need that hug and hand-holding more than ever now. But like Zonga said, as long as the rest is clear it’s promising. My family’s prayers to you and your family.

    As for the topic, if 34 states say it’s a go, then congress’ hands are tied. They HAVE to call the convention. What the states should demand is that no one paid from any public treasury is allowed to be a delegate. And no lawyers either. Keep the tax eaters out because all they will do is to vote to keep the gravy train flowing.

    The convention should also demand that the new amendment NOT be sent to the state legislatures but to conventions in the states. If congress balks, tell them to eat shit and die. It’s going to conventions in the states that have the same requirements as the national convention of no lawyers and no one that is paid from any public treasury.

    Repeal the 16th amendment and make income untaxable anywhere in the United States or in any state. To kill socialism you have to rip out its heart. And that is an income tax.

  11. Have you noticed that there is never a mention about a possible “convention” in any of the mainstream news outlets? I’d think this would be big news, don’t you think? Wonder why this is? You don’t suppose they want to keep this quiet in fear that the populace might glom on to it, do you?

    Term limits for Congress and the Supreme Court, balanced budgets, restoration of the checks and balances on the Federal government and states rights, limit the use of Executive Orders and federal regulations to enact laws (let Congress do their job).

    It’s obvious that the current band of self-enablers in Congress would NEVER address any of this, meaningfully. To do so would take away what they revel in; power! So if they’re agin it, I’m all for it!

  12. Sure. Sounds great until you find out who all the fruit loops with an agenda who get themselves appointed to make decisions about the Constitution. Considering the condition of Me-Lennials you’ll understand why I am reluctant to turn over the keys to the Republic to them..

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