Hillary Clinton, coin-operated policymaker – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton, coin-operated policymaker


The latest tales of State Department ethics violations, foreign money, and special access would be surprising if they were about anyone but Hillary Clinton.

Throughout her political career Clinton has always blended cash and policy. She’s not merely corporatist by disposition, like, say Tim Geithner or Lindsey Graham. She’s not simply sloppy on ethics, like Bob McDonnell or John Kitzhaber.

Hillary is blatantly transactional in her fundraising and policymaking. And she wants to be president.

Here’s the background on the latest Clinton story:



9 Comments on Hillary Clinton, coin-operated policymaker

  1. It’s been years since Americans have expected their politicians to possess high moral standards. As the saying goes, the fish rots from the head down… for so many of us, we have become like the politicians we elect. Without a spiritual revival, this will not change.

  2. A recent news magazine TV show described the hiring/staffing practices of the State Dept as similar to Nazi German. They knowingly hired the worst of the worst so they would have something to hold over them lest they get out of line.

    John Bolton’s speech at CPAC (in Bullpen) was an indictment of her entire tenure at State. If Bolton doesn’t run, I hope someone on the R side uses clips from his speech as campaign commercials. It was outstanding and would serve as a great reminder to the Lofo’s come November 2016.

  3. Why isn’t she in jail? This is nothing new.
    Course, after the $Billions upon $Billions stolen through TARP, Porkulus, Green Energy, Shovel Ready, GM, and the rest of that bullshit, maybe the Clinton’s corruption seems small potatoes.

  4. One interesting nugget gleaned from this article: Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) were mandated by federal law as payback to Corning for their contributions to Hillary. These devices have cost consumers and industry billions in direct costs and reduced fuel mileage, even after the “science” behind them was debunked.

  5. Everything, and I mean EVERTHING, mandated by the Feds is payoff to somebody’s corruption. From Ethanol to Helium.

    Or from “organic” Asparagus to cattle Zygotes.
    (that sounds kooler!)

  6. More evidence that in the end, the Hildebeest will not run. She cannot and will not stand the scrutiny that is certain to come, and the Progressive wing of the Democrat Party wants nothing whatsoever to do with her.

    I think Warren will be the nominee.

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