Hillary Clinton’s Rickety Bridge to White House – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton’s Rickety Bridge to White House

Voters lack a compelling reason to embrace Democrats, as opposed to simply rejecting Republicans—

Tea Party . org

5 Comments on Hillary Clinton’s Rickety Bridge to White House

  1. I could easily have gone an entire Monday without thinking of her thighness coming out of a shower. Now I must stock up on eye bleach while out running errands at lunch. Thanks a lot… NOT

  2. Demonrats don’t deliberate. Republicrats seek appeasement with the socialists. The vast, shallow, gulf of “independents,” “constitutionalists,” “conservatives,” and Libertarians are purists, in an impure world.

    The Demonrats (Socialists) have been extolling a simple message for 100 years, and will shortly coalesce behind some liar who doesn’t sound as extreme as Obola but will continue to push the totalitarian ideology. They’ll probably stay away from another negro, for a cycle or two, but will have to have a hen on the ticket to foster their bona fides.

    History has proven the correctness of Mr. Gruber’s assessment.

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