Horrifying details about the South African farm murders. – IOTW Report

Horrifying details about the South African farm murders.

@Mr_Pinko went to South Africa last April and ended up seeing and hearing first-hand African Farm Owners fear and

acceptance that they will most likely be murdered if they continue to live and farm in South Africa.
SEE Mike Cernovich’s compelling VIDEO INTERVIEW with South African Simon Roche HERE

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23 Comments on Horrifying details about the South African farm murders.

  1. This country should offer asylum to these victims of Black Oppression and Communist Tyranny. They could offset the illegal immigrants who don’t appreciate our freedoms. After all, this country helped destroy South Africa by helping the terrorists gain control of this once prosperous country. South Africa is going to be another Zimbabwe in a few more decades. It will take longer for it to collapse, because it was more developed than the other African countries that have pushed the native born whites out of their homelands.

  2. Marco, you are right- we offer the victims asylum, and S.A. goes the way of Zimbabwe. The savages won’t have whitey to blame for their woes so it will go tribal and the Zulus will go all Rwanda on the other tribes.

    They don’t want Western Civ then I don’t care what the savages do unto themselves. After all, if it gets to a Rwanda level of tribalism to intervene would be cultural imperialism.

  3. I have a friend in Houston, formerly from SA, formerly from Zimbabwe. In Zim, they were marched to the border by armed men who confiscated their farm. Not at actual gunpoint, but it was definitely implied that any resistance would be fatal on the spot, likely to everyone in the group, leaving no witnesses. They and all the whites from their village. This was early on before all the killing. They were very lucky. They escaped death with whatever they could grab on their way out of the house. In SA he recognized the signs of this same thing happening and emigrated legally to the US. He says it’s just a matter of time before SA goes the same way.

  4. Someone mentioned above Africans no being smart enough to govern Africa. It sounds like a pretty predjudicial statement on its face. Check this link for countries listed by IQ. The small map is especially easy to understand. Facts are difficult things. I daresay, when white Europeans ran those countries, the natives were probably better off than under self rule.

  5. Ohio Dan,

    Subsaharan Blacks do not have Neaderthal genes. They never went north and crossbred. Most of the rest of mankind has between 0.1-4% Neaderthal genes.

    My guess is the Neaderthals were smart and were able to live and survive in harsh climates. They probaby interbred themselves out of existence due do being demographically disadvantaged by mumbers, and if one examines artist’s renderings of them, their women were extremely ugly.

    Just saying.

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