How is President Trump doing? VOTE at the PolitOpinion POLL – IOTW Report

How is President Trump doing? VOTE at the PolitOpinion POLL

How is President Trump doing? VOTE at the PolitOpinion POLL

Day 1 – Trump nixes TPP/NAFTA

Day 2 – Trump approves pipelines

Since the media will relentlessly attack President Trump we want to know if you APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE of President Trump?

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15 Comments on How is President Trump doing? VOTE at the PolitOpinion POLL

  1. He is now four days past his own self-appointed schedule to get to work on illegal immigration, i.e., on day one!!!!!! There is much to be done of course but immigration was the hallmark and the end all and be all of his campaign!

  2. Polls like this are self-selecting and tend to be biased. No disrespect intended to them but if the left hates them then their blogs/sites are unlikely to display a link to vote and as such most of the ones that do vote would be conservatives.
    What I’d pay cash money to see are the polls being run by the Dems, the GOP, Soro’s group and the media. The first three are likely to be running honest polls for use internally while the media may be running push polls written to elicit a specific result or they are over-sampling certain group or over-weighting some questions all in order to produce a seemingly bad result for Trump. Whenever you see a poll published by the media always go find the details page that gives you the questions, the order asked as well as any “correcting” they used on it. You’d be surprised.

  3. Says what he’ll do:
    Does what he says.

    How refreshing after 8 years of hate, destruction, demoralization, racism, sexism, izlamism, faggism, golf, and the Moose.

    EVERY professional politician should take a lesson.
    EVERY American should, also, take a lesson – and jettison EVERY politician who DOESN’T take a lesson.

    By this time, Obola would just be blowin some choom … and Reggie …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Mr. Pinko; I said there was no disrespect meant to the group that was running the polls but simply said they are self selecting rather then random. I used to work on polls and while I’m glad President Trump could quote them as always being right while CNN’s were always wrong it wouldn’t take much for CNN to be incorrect as they were always push polling or oversampling or weighting to make a poll come out to show a predetermined result. Not tough to beat that. I’ll bet they’re right on todays question that Trump is doing a good job but I bet if you ran a standard selection process with large enough numbers it sure wouldn’t be by 100%.

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