HYSTERICAL! A “PSA” by “CELEBRITIES” BEGGING the Electoral College to SWITCH their VOTE. – IOTW Report

HYSTERICAL! A “PSA” by “CELEBRITIES” BEGGING the Electoral College to SWITCH their VOTE.

CELEBRITIES BEGGING Electoral College – A new celebrity “PSA” is calling on the Electoral College not to vote for Donald Trump. Put out by Unite America, the commercial titled “A Message for Electors to Unite For America,” features Martin Sheen, Debra Messing, James Cromwell, BD Wong, Noah Wyle, Freda Payne, Bob Odenkirk, J. Smith Cameron, Michael Urie, Moby, Mike Farrell, Loretta Swit, Richard Schiff, Christine Lahti, Steven Pasquale, Dominic Fumusa, Emily Tyra, Talia Balsam.
Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.


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48 Comments on HYSTERICAL! A “PSA” by “CELEBRITIES” BEGGING the Electoral College to SWITCH their VOTE.

  1. They just don’t understand. THEY don’t elect the President, WE do, as in ‘We the People’. The EC is supposed to vote as the people in their districts did, and any of them who fail to do so on some bullshit idea that they disagree with Trump’s whatever, need to be removed from office with extreme prejudice.

    BTW, what happened to AWDs site? Did he forget to pay the bill, or did the left claim his site to be ‘alt right’ and kill it?

  2. Why are these pompous, small minded idiots interfering with the legal voting system? The voters/people chose Trump.

    As stated in another posting;

    Question: Are the Russians the ones behind the reign of terror on the members of the Electoral College?

    Members have been barraged by threats and pleas for them to vote AGAINST the voters choice for president.

    Why aren’t the members of congress screaming loudly for investigation and prosecution of the authors of those threats to our American voting system?

    The Electoral College members have reported threats on their lives. These are members of the officially and legally appointed Eectoral College?

  3. Let me translate (I have grandchildren so I speak 2 year old):
    “I’m old and completely ignored by everyone now even though at one time I was famous. Please listen to me in this PSA so I can feel important again. Please, I go to the mall now and no one even knows who I am. Please share this video so I can feel popular again. It’s all I have. I barely have a double digit IQ, so being fawned over by the masses is all I have. Please, I’m begging you to do whatever I just read in this PSA, save the whales, or the forests, or whatever it was, I wasn’t listening and I wouldn’t understand it anyway. Please help me be famous again. Thank you.”

  4. I’m never watching Mash re-runs again. I missed them first time around, had to work You know.
    We have seen three movies in the last 8 years all of them Political. American Sniper Danish D’Sousa that type.
    Popcorn an Pop both small 13$.

    annie Go Trump

  5. Sayeth martin Sheen:

    “As you know, our Founding Fathers built the Electoral College to safeguard the American people from the dangers of a demagogue….”

    Gee, Estavez, you mean, someone like Barack Obama?

  6. All concerned about Trump not being qualified. But vote for anyone but Trump.

    Obama was qualified? Hillary was qualified?
    Fun watching the meltdown.
    And those scary lips! She ought to wear a sign like contractors use…..Lips by Dr. Wantsyourdough

  7. Hot Lips looks like those lips have been stretched one too many times around the maypole. Where are these idiots’ pride? Do they really want their last public image to be how they look now? MARLENE DIETRICH they are NOT. She had the smarts to withdraw from public life and remain the legend. These money chasers will do anything they can still do for a buck. How sad. They would chase ambulances, but cannot make it up out of their rockers. NO ONE CARES for your opinions, has-beens. Now be good little boys and girls and GO AWAY FOR GOOD! Soros said the coins are on the dresser. Do not expect a return call.

  8. I really appreciated the soft, slow, condescending “you’re too stupid to understand me if I speak to you like an adult” manner of speaking they all had…except for Martin Sheen, who seems to have gotten infected by his son Charlie’s “ka-RAY-zee.”

  9. Oh, like Haywood’s shameless support of Hillary paid off.

    Get the picture, you ielitist Hollywood idiots. We don’t even like the crap you hoist upon us as ‘entertainment’. Haven’t you noticed the drop in box office take? Guess your just too busy with your circle jerk, self-supporting videos, that you don’t know that WE DON’T CARE WHAT YOU THINK.

  10. Turnabout is fair play. Maybe some of the Cankles electors will decide they’d rather vote for Trump. I know that all the counties outside of Cook(chicago) in Illinois went for Trump. The electors in the suburbs and downstate would probably love to give him their support.

  11. I know that fighting the cultural war is important, but except for a few of these people, most of the were “that guy who was in that thing.” They just don’t seem important or famous enough to even listen to.

    Besides, who would want to be the person a disloyal elector voted for? Liberals are tone deaf and clueless, and I suppose one of them would be proud to receive electoral votes they don’t deserve, but most people realize they would be lucky not to be lynched if they had any part in this farce.

  12. When was the last time Freda Payne had a hit record? I bet half of the EC wasn’t even born when she did. Of the ones I have heard of, most haven’t done anything in a long time. I have not even heard of some of the people on the list.

    BTW, SineWaveII, Cromwell is a rabid animal rights “activist” and in-you-face vegetarian.

  13. If it had a chance in hell of working why didn’t we do this for Obama. I have to agree
    with trying everything you can. We should have had endless recounts and bribed the electors and whatever else we could do. We should never except a loss again.
    This is a new precedent

  14. They’re actors, that’s all. When I want to hear or see them, I will pull them out of their box and watch the scenes and listen to the words that a more competent person wrote for them. When I’m done, I’ll put them back in their box and put them away on a shelf. In between times, I couldn’t give two sh!ts about them.

  15. I noticed they weren’t asking Hillary’s electors to vote for anyone else, just Trump’s. So come 12/19 Hillary ends up with more electors through chicanery, what happens then? Can she claim since she has more she should be president?

  16. patronis……my brother was serving two tours in Nam whilst these “very superior people” were selling us these lies…..

    he got home safe, no thanks to them or to hanoi john or jane….

    it’s way past time we stopped glorifying, or even LISTENING TO, these empty puppets who are good at repeating other people’s words and pretending emotions they aren’t capable of feeling….

    as ben kingsley said in “iron man 3,”….i am only an ACTOR…..”

    no, he was a terrorist determined to destroy western civilization……but no…..he WAS just an actor, pretending….

    which is all actors are good at….playing “let’s pretend”…..

    now they want to play “let’s pretend we’re the REALLY SMART PEOPLE YOU SEE IN THE MOVIES….”

    i’d rather lay “let’s pretend no one ever heard of you……”

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