I need a plumber and an electrician – IOTW Report

I need a plumber and an electrician


Comedy 103.1

h/t  Snowball the Sourpuss

14 Comments on I need a plumber and an electrician

  1. when the last plumber dies, we’re all going to be in deep doo-doo. All the kids will have college degrees and work at starbucks, incapable of changing their own oil.

    Everyone else will be on welfare or working at Walmart and McDonalds.

    And no-one will know how to read a tape measure or swing a hammer.

    And it will be be because the publik skul systems were evaluated by little more than how many of their students made it into college, not whether or not anyone actually learned anything useful.

    Over the Christmas/NewYears holiday I finished the w/c in my new office/mancave. I needed a part to go into the drain/vent pipe for the sink trap to fit into. So I go to lowes. The “associate” that helped me tried to give me the wrong part, and I said no, I think it’s this part. We were both wrong, but I was slightly less wrong. On returning the part I was helpfully handed the specific unique part for that job by someone who knew what they were doing.

    It is very satisfying to take a dump in the restroom that I wired, drywalled, painted and fitted the stool and sink.

    I’m an engineer and I learned zero of those “skills” in high school or college. Heaven help us!

  2. True story. One night the AC shop called, back when they were up in B-339, and said water was coming out the lights. I said “fuck you, I ain’t falling for an old Three Stooges skit.” and hung up the phone. They called back and said that, really, water was coming out of the lights. So I got some guys and went upstairs – and sure enough – water was coming out the lights! Turns out somebody had bored a hole in the conduit, up on the 1st floor deck, and when it started raining that evening the water filled the conduit and ran out their lights.

  3. @Bob:

    “So I go to lowes The “associate” that helped me tried to give me the wrong part”

    For real frustration, hand a twentysomething (female) cashier at the supermarket a rutabaga or parsnip. No UPC code – they have to look those suckers up to get a number. I just wait patiently to see how long until they cave – “what IS this?”

    Well, I don’t know snowflake – I found it in a bowl in the restroom and thought it was interesting.

  4. @bob… I too am an engineer. I learned everything outside of engineering in the school of hard knocks… it is getting so bad we have to teach problem solving and trouble shooting basics – to our engineers… I am relatively young. I look around and wonder if we had to, we could not get back to the moon, or even build an atomic bomb now. We can’t even get a web site up and running to sign people up for abysmalcare for Christ’s sake! I fear for the younger generation and those that know not how to even check the oil in their car… What is despiriting to me right now is not seeing many with the desire to learn anything about how stuff works, or why it is the way it is…

  5. @Claudia, thanks for finding that and Happy New Year to you! I forgot which short that one was in, but remembered that cook in the kitchen freaking out, lol.

    I always like to ring in the new year with the Three Stooges. I enjoyed watching that again. 🙂

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