Is Your Congressman a Swamp Rat? Take the Test. – IOTW Report

Is Your Congressman a Swamp Rat? Take the Test.

Is Your Congressman a Swamp Rat? Take the Test.
If your congressman …
voted to gut the Independent Ethics Office, there is a very strong chance that they are a swamp rat. After all the independent body was created in 2008 to investigate allegations of misconduct by lawmakers. Let us know what your congressman voted.

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13 Comments on Is Your Congressman a Swamp Rat? Take the Test.

  1. Washington state is the “other” Washington, for sure! Murray, Cantewell, blah, blah, blah. Bagman, ah, Bagdad Bob is finally retiring after 27 years! So what? They’ll replace him with another ‘rat.

  2. I just figured out what Trump meant by DTS.

    Drain the Swamp!

    If he delivers on half of what he ran on, he will be a great president, and exactly what our country needs.

  3. Is this “non partisan” office highly, radically, commie partisan? That would make a difference in how I see the situation.

    It might need a new selection of “non partisan” members.

  4. My congress critter is one of the slimiest of the swamp denizens. Will Congressman Kay Granger please sit DOWN and slink away with the rest of the Rino’s who voted for every obama program that went through the house in the last eight years, including his ILLEGAL Immigration policies that were ruled as UN-Constitutional by the courts. Her excuse for voting FOR them? “The courts will stop this”. So according to her logic, our representatives should approve any and all bills backed by Trump even if they are UN-Constitutional because the “courts will stop them”. How much do you want to bet that our slimy Rino critters will suddenly remember they can oppose anything a sitting President advances and she will oppose anything and everything Trump does whether it is Constitutional or not?

    Funny how Rino’s couldn’t find a spine when facing obama, and now they have nerves of steel when facing a member of their own party (supposedly)

    MSG Grumpy

  5. And for those who claim the house ethics office is partisan and unfair. Just like the nuke option the demoncrats did in the Senate, we will turn their own partisan weapon against them. We have the majority in both houses, if we can’t get a FAIR office of ethics installed then it is NOT the fault of the demoncrats, we must instead look towards the establishment Rino’s for answers.

    MSG Grumpy

  6. poor widdle Nutria. I see them all the time whilst fishing the bayous here for Specks, Reds and Flounder.

    Our local Minor League baseball team, the Zephyrs, has a Nutria for its mascot – his name is Boudreaux and his common-law wife’s name is Clotille.

    Geaux Zephyrs!

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