Landrieu to Louisiana voters: I’m going to tax your online purchases – IOTW Report

Landrieu to Louisiana voters: I’m going to tax your online purchases

56% of the voters want no part of the Internet sales tax proposal but she keepsĀ insisting onĀ it, and other taxes.
Story at Freedom Works.

19 Comments on Landrieu to Louisiana voters: I’m going to tax your online purchases

  1. I can understand the need to tax in order to pave streets, pay for the military or schools, but what is the logic behind taxing the Internet? I know it is stupid, but what is her logic?

  2. Proponents of taxing internet commerce have a specious argument at best. Essentially, they claim my local business is cheated out of a purchase (revenue) every time I buy a like item on the net (lured by a ‘no tax’ purchase). What they fail to mention is most likely that same small local business is more than likely getting his own sales from online purchases made out of state. Let’s be honest, I know 70 year old grand parents who sell goods on Ebay so don’t try to tell me a small business person savvy enough to start a business isn’t smart enough to sell items on Ebay or develop a website to sell his wares nationally (thereby making THEIR goods tax free for out of staters). Marketplace Fairness, my butt. The bottom line is politicians want to tax internet sales so they can spend it on their favorite constituent on another failed program and broaden the size of government. Don;t fall for this marketplace fairness nonsense. Politicians are no different than the heroin addict looking for that next fix.

  3. @STOP2THINK thanks for the insight. I had not thought of the internet tax in that light. I was not for it before reading your points, simply because no level of gov’t needs any more of anyone’s money. But am now doubly against thanks to your added facts.

  4. I’m surprised she can talk, since the pantyhose noose she has put around her own neck, is getting tighter everyday. Going down, liberal, lying miscreant. You just can’t fool all of the people all of the time. They are awake, now and the rest of congress needs to remember that.

  5. What happened to the 787 billion dollars that was stolen to rebuild those roads and bridges in our infrastructure?

    Look, the country is broken and broke. The country is “18 trillion” in debt (it’s actually much, much higher than 18 trillion).

    The most anyone could hope to do right now is to try your damnedest to PRESERVE your wealth…..our what is left of it in order to make it to the other side of the collapse. We’re in for a hard reset, and it is just a matter of time before shit gets real for everyone on the planet.

    PS: A “hard reset” means you’ll have to do without your iPhones, so prepare for those withdrawals.

    It’ll be like The Walking Dead for real.

  6. Crazy Eighter – you got that right and no foolin’. There’s a real concern that The Sportsman’s Paradise may have a low turnout of hunters, waterfowlers and fishermen at the runoff election polls this Saturday.

    Most of us hunters, waterfowlers and fishermen lean heavily to the right side of the political aisle. But there are several hunting seasons opening up this Saturday and it might mean low voter turnout from the R Column.

    One of my fishing clubs I belong to ( – Keith! Ya kicked ass tonite!) had it’s Christmas Party tonight at a local craft brewpub. I told evabody in earshot to git they asses outta bed Saturday morning for 7, go vote and only then head on down to their tree stand or boat ramp.


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