Laura Loomer BLOCKED/BANNED from Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting Press Conference – IOTW Report

Laura Loomer BLOCKED/BANNED from Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting Press Conference

Laura Loomer BLOCKED from Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting Press Conference.
Laura Loomer and Mike Tokes not allowed inside @LVMPD press conference.


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17 Comments on Laura Loomer BLOCKED/BANNED from Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting Press Conference

  1. Anybody tried to interview Steven Schuck? Or is he sequestered somewhere, too?

    It’s almost funny watching the level of contempt for the public by the LVPD grow as the FBI rubs off on them.

  2. What a disgrace. These people are pathetic. We are Americans, and we have every right to demand the truth.

    LVPD/FBI – Nobody’s buying your bullshit narrative, especially when you’re caught lying or covering up incompetence. Keep on polishing that turd if you want, but people know the official story is not believable. Try some truth, and see how that goes.

  3. LVPD is getting testy because another agency blew into town, shot up a bunch of gun loving conservatives, placed the scape goats body sloppily, biffed the crime scene, and now THEY need to cover it up.

  4. They didn’t take questions anyway.

    Campos has vanished, Schuck was never mentioned today.

    I’m more convinced than ever we’ll never know the truth. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

  5. If anyone can be counted on to dig something up its those 4Chan guys. I don’t have anything to look over my shoulder over, but I still wouldn’t want those guys looking at me.

  6. I have seen several bearded photos of Campos, in those photos it makes you wonder what his lineage is.

    I also looked at the crime scene photo of of Paddock on the floor. The revolver is above his head about 2-3 feet. His hands are are straight down at his sides. As mentioned here by Brad I believe, there is a AR15 on a bipod over his left knee/leg. There is also what appears to me to possibly be a hole in his front face, above his nose in the corner of his right eye.

    If he put the gun in his mouth, he either shot somewhat level through the back of his throat and it exited, or if he pointed it upward in the roof of his mouth, the bullet would lodge in his brain or exit the top or back of his head. It would not exit in his front portion of his face near the eye socket.

    How did the gun land behind him over his head as he crumples to the floor if both of his hands are neatly tucked to his sides? I believe the gun would have recoiled in front of him, ended up under him, or dropped close to his shooting hand side. Not over his head behind him several feet.

    How did that AR get over his leg? He would have had to be holding it with one hand as he shot himself with the revolver and it magic landed upright as he collapsed to the floor.

    Just my observations, I dont know if anyone else commented on this.

  7. Brad, hopefully someone will dig up something.

    This crap is insane, first Campos was a hero who came up, got shot and his presence made the guy shoot himself.
    Then he was shot 6 minutes before the guy started shooting up a concert.
    Then he was shot during or seconds before or seconds after the guy opened fire on the concert.
    Oh and the maintenance guy who they released his radio call to security about someone shooting and who gave an interview wasn’t mentioned in the new timeline. I guess because then they would have to account for how one man shot through the door at Campos, broke out two windows, fired through two windows, ran back to door and shot down hallway and ran back to one window firing then to another window firing. Lots of running around in 10 minutes for a guy who slept all day and played video poker all night.
    BTW, what happened to the drilling?

  8. @ Mike Brown is an American Hero…

    I swear I read early on that he shot himself in the chest. Probably not, but sometimes things get out at the beginning before the cleaners arrive.

  9. Campos only worked there two days. It’s obvious. He’s either dead or been reassigned.
    The LVPD Chief went nuts today on TV. They’ve called in a crisis counselor for his team. LOL.

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