LIVE Right Now – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER April 26, 2018 – IOTW Report

LIVE Right Now – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER April 26, 2018

8:00 – 10:00pm EST

We will read your comments ON THE AIR!

About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
DEPLORABLE - FOLLOWED by the BEST on TWITTER and GAB. Making Liberal Heads Explode One Empty Skull at a Time! Check out

39 Comments on LIVE Right Now – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER April 26, 2018

  1. The D’s strategy was to smear the women and infer they were lying, money-grubbing Trump sycophants. Johnson and Jackson-Lee were especially shitty to them. But both fought back hard.

  2. We just finished watching the 2.5 hours of testimony. The witness panel was stacked with a queer professor and a couple of other Progtards who swore (literally) there was absolutely no censorship by social platforms. The D congresspeople were all on the same talking points — that basically, the hearing was stupid and a time waster.

    I’m certain the D leadership told FB, Twitter/Google to not attend so they could say it was a waste of time.

    We haven’t heard the end of this, though.

  3. Diamond and Silk pushed back really hard at Lee when Lee tried to vilify her for supporting Trump. One said, “What the heck is gong on?! Everything in this country is backward — what used to be right is wrong and everything that is wrong is now right!” She should have got a standing ovation.

  4. Agreed, BB. We won’t change anyone’s mind on a like-minded platforms. We arn’t just spouting off to release the pressure, we need to get to the brains of those not fully indoctrinated.

  5. The shoes were over 1,000.00 dollars. Libs hate her.
    Have you seen the china they used for the state dinner,she used the Clinton china that the Clinton’s swiped and had to return to the White House. True story.

  6. That’s why over the summer we need to focus on the races that need help and get involved. Make phone calls, door knock,promote the people that need help. Do anything you can no matter how small it all helps.
    And you guys now have a platform to do that, and that is why we listen to you, young Rush Limbaugh’s. Keep on keeping on.

  7. It’s important to understand, once and for all, that the Left’s goal is not to be understood or to be compromised with. Their goal is to wipe out the idea of America — the founding of America. As soon as we completely grasp that fact, the better off we will be and not waste our time trying to fend off their -phobia claims or otherwise defend against their slurs. Our time will be better spent eradicating the Left.

    Have you ever seen that newspaper column that lists exactly what the communists thought was necessary in order to take over America? That is the Left.

  8. Mr. Pinko, only 3 name-drops tonight?! Hope all gets better with your second love (car)…Mike is always informed and does a great job. If I have to miss your podcast I always listen later and share the links.

    Thanks guys, Ms. Pinko, and cat!

  9. Thanks a lot, Mike and Mr. P. for another interesting show!

    Quality of show: You sometimes fade in and out and I think it’s because you move close and far from your phones. Otherwise, good!


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