LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER August 16th, 2018 – IOTW Report

LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER August 16th, 2018

LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER August 16th, 2018

LOTS to talk about TONIGHT!!! Ohio close race, VOTE or Democrats win and MUCH, MUCH MORE!

Join MikeNordstrom3 and @Mr_Pinko

We will read your comments ON THE AIR!


About Mr.Pinko 686 Articles
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19 Comments on LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER August 16th, 2018

  1. Hi Guys, whats on the plate tonight, Brennan getting slapped down,or the press showing their true colors today. They showed just how much they hate US and the President,it is all fake news and they are playing to their base.
    3 point bump for P.Trump in 2 weeks.

  2. Mr. Pinko and Mr. Mike. I hate bullshit so I’ll get to the point.
    President Trump is not against a “Free Press,” he is against Fake News.
    I have an idea. Why not give examples of “Fake News”?
    I don’t have the research capabilities, but off the top of my head I have a few examples:
    1. A Network rigged a truck to explode to “prove” that a car manufacturer was building unsafe cars/trucks. False News.

    2. A Network edited a 911 call to “prove” that George Zimmerman was a racist. They are still in business. Fake News

    3. “Journalists spun news in the Twanya Brswley and the Duke LaCrosse case, which caused havoc and destroyed lives in both communities and America. Fake News.

    4 B rian Williams saw bodies floating in front of his Hotel in New Orleans during Katrina. He also landed somewhere under “machinegun fire,” Fake News. But he’s still on the air, feeding the LoFo’s bullshit.

    5.Chris Cuomo, son of Mario, brother of Andy, Gov. of New York tells us (the deplorables) that it is illegal to listen to Wikipedia tapes on Hillary. “But we in the Media can, and we’ll tell you what you need to know.” Bullshit

    And just today Horsemouth Cuomo told us that “America was never really great.”

    If you great guys at IOTW Report can add to the Fake News it will
    be interesting reading. I could go on but I need a drink.

  3. What is the over and under of Manafort getting off?
    The questions asked by the jury points to not guilty, maybe.
    If, and its a big if Manafort is found not guilty they have to shut down the SC,
    and the Tweets will be epic.

  4. If anyone here has not been to a Trump rally get off your butts and go, plan to stand in line, print your tickets,and don’t take anything metal, they are a great time and well worth your time, it as good as any concert you have ever seen, almost.
    You will meet some really great people.
    The SS is great, but they take no crap.
    And help your candidate any way you can, even if you know they can not win. It will go on the books and help the next person coming up.

  5. Did you guys talk about the New Mexico compound where kids were being trained for school shootings? NBC News is now saying it has been ‘mysteriously destroyed’.

    What are they trying to hide and who are they ‘helping’ by destroying evidence?

  6. AA is making the best chicken wings ever.
    Egg wash, Flour spices coating,Fried,Baked,and then coated in sweet and sour sauce and baked more.
    And don’t even start on little smokies wrapped in bacon and dredged in brown sugar. Yum Yum.
    Thanks again Guys.

  7. I mean, like all the time Mike, you would be a great add on to our family here.
    You have great points to make and we would love to hear them more often. Hope you will join us soon.


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