LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER August 23rd, 2018 – IOTW Report

LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER August 23rd, 2018

LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER August 23rd, 2018


LOTS to talk about TONIGHT!!! Impeach Trump and MUCH, MUCH MORE!

Post your comments here and we will read them on the air.

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36 Comments on LIVE TONIGHT 8:00pm EST – @Mr_Pinko & @MikeNordstrom3 on SPREAKER August 23rd, 2018

  1. According to Tucker Carlson the word “Impeachment” was mentioned 220 times today on the MSM. The leftists are getting stupider by the hour.
    Have a great show. I’ll be listening

  2. RE,the New Mexico Jr Terrorist camp. The FBI swung in there and scrubbed the damn thing clean, and then they released 3 of the 4 adults. One of them got picked up an Ice detainer. How’s that work?

  3. BB- one of the men, the father of the son who they exorcised and killed, is the son of the iman in NYC that was implicated in the original WTC bombing. Two of the women are the imam’s daughters. The children are likely his grandchildren. It was/is a family affair. Gotta protect them, donchakno. You probably already knew that, though.

  4. Mike and Pinko, have you read “Witness” by M.Stanton Evans?
    He also has lots of video’s one of the best “old news” shows you can watch. 5 Thumbs up. We have commies in government again, but we have very few trying to out them right now. (Reporters) And lots of people that need to be in jail, but are being let off. Something needs to change in DC and soon, I have been a supporter of Sessions from the start but he needs to get off his ass and start doing something to clean up the swamp or get out. If this is not good cop bad cop with P.Trump he needs to go. Remember to vote.

  5. Mike when are you guys going to put out fires in B.C. so we can breathe again. 560 fires and 5000 fire fighters? What is the carbon footprint on that,They are burning down AA and my fishing holes. Hundred of thousands of acres of forest are burning and no men are fighting them. You should see the air in Seattle over the last few days.

  6. Campaign finance violations! Duncan Hunter was just charged a couple days ago with using campaign money for personal expenses. Devin Nunes says it’s bull shit and the Libtards are trying to get him kicked off the upcoming ballot. If this non partisan organization has become weaponized to go after Republican Law Makers we’re in deep shit. This needs to be looked at quick.

  7. Chris Plante was covering for CNN from the Pentagon on 9-11 & absolutely despises what CNN (and the rest of the so-called media gatekeepers) have become. So glad he finally got syndication.

    His show is three hours long. Replay is available free on or direct from

  8. For Mike….Trudeau Is Laying The Groundwork To Criminalize His Political Opposition

    If he thinks everyone who questions his failure to stop illegal border crossings is spreading ‘hate speech,’ and if ‘hate speech’ needs to be banned as Trudeau claims, what’s the logical endgame of the path Trudeau’s rhetoric is heading down?

    This is from Canadian Blogger



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